To report an ADA accessibility issue, request accessibility assistance regarding our website content, or to request a specific electronic format, please contact the County ADA Coordinator (772) 320-3131, Florida Relay 711, or complete our ADA Accessibility Feedback Form. Martin County Sheriff. Martin County Sheriff’s Office 800 SE Monterey Road Stuart, Florida 34994 Phone: (772) 220-7000. Inmates are offered different programs while serving time at this Martin County Jail. Phone: 772-220-7200 Fax: Different programs are offered while serving time […] MARTIN County has 87 jails with an average daily population of 270 inmates with a total of 87 jail population. Martin County is committed to ensuring website accessibility for people with disabilities. When ready, click the Run Report button. date of birth, leave that box blank.) ___NO CONTACT WITH VICTIM PER, CT1 BURGLARY OF OCCUPIED DWELLING. 18 YOA O, CT 1- MURDER SECOND DEGREE MARTIN COUNTY WARRANT 171104CFA *, ORDER OF COMMITMENT**9/4/19 RETURNED FROM PBSO 11/26/19 TOT, OBSTRUCT W/O VIOLENCE BOND SET AT FIRST APP PER JUDGE WATERS, FLEE W/ DISREGARD TO SAFETY TO PERSONS OR PROP. Martin County Jail & Sheriff and others often use a private company to process all online deposits to an inmate's account. *ORDER REVOKING, POSSESSION OF AMMUNITION BY CONVICTED FELON. Martin County Jail is a medium-security adult detention center. POSSESSION OF THC OIL TOF ST. LUCIE COUNTY 11/22/2019 / SGT. OF DRUG PARA) ORDER REVOKING PRETRIAL RELE, BATTERY TOUCH OR STRIKE*ORDER TO REVOKE PRETRIAL - NEW ARRES, CRIMINAL MISCHIEF $1000 OR MORE ORDER REVOKING PRETRIAL RELE, BURGLARY UNOCCUPIED CONVEYANCE UNARMED ORDER REVOKING PRETRI, BOND REVOKED PER JUDGE SWEET--NEW RELEASE DATE W/TRUSTY TIME, DOM BATT BOND SET AT FIRST APPEARANCE PER JUDGE BAUER 031920, AMENDED VOP (CT 1 BATTERY ON DETENTION OR COMMITMENT FACILIT, AGGRAVATED ASSAULT W/ DEADLY WEAPON AGAINST LAW ENFORCEMENT, ASSAULT/BATTERY ON PERSON 65 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER, DOMESTIC BATTERY BOND SET AT FIRST APPEARANCE PER JUDGE ROBE, OBSTRUCT W/O VIOLENCE BOND REDUCED AND NO CONTACT ORDER ISSU, FALSE IMPRISONMENT BOND RAISED AND NO CONTACT ORDER ISSUED A, FELONY BATTERY GREAT BODILY HARM BOND RAISED AND NO CONTACT, POSS COCAINE ORDER REVOKING PRETRIAL RELEASE PER JUDGE BAUER, FAILURE TO REGISTER AS SEX OFFENDER STATE OF FLORIDA BOB CAR, DOM BATT BOND SET AT FIRST APPEARANCE PER JUDGE ROBERTS 0726, DRIVE WHILE LICENSE SUSPENDED 1ST OFF BOB COLLINS II 8/4/20_, DRIVE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL OR DRUGS BOB COLLINS II, MARTIN COUNTY WARRANT# 171192MMA FTA CT1 POSSESSION OF CANNA, MARTIN COUNTY WARRANT #20115CFA CT1 SEXUAL BATTERY ON VICTIM, FTA ARR 12/10/20 (CT1- SECOND DEGREE PETIT THEFT), FLEE W DISREGARD OF SAFETY TO PERSONS OR PROP BOND SET AT FI, FAIL STOP REM CRSH INV INJ OTH THN SER BOD INJ BOND SET AT F, CRASH-LEAVING SCENE-PROPERTY DAMAGE BOND SET AT FIRST APPERA, RECKLESS DRIVE DAMAGE PERSON BOND SET AT FIRST APPERANCE PER, DRIVE WHILE LIC SUSP 3RD OR SUBSQ OFF BOND SET AT FIRST APPE, VOP- POSS OF METHYLENE ECSTASY W/ INTENT TO SELL MCSO WARRAN, MARTIN CO WARRANT 191814CT FTA (ORIG CHARGE DUI CT 6 VOP CT, POSSESS OF C/S W/O VALID RX (COCAINE)***SNT IN ABS (1Y JAIL, POSS OF CONTROL SUB (OXYCODONE) 9/4/20 BONDSMAN OFF BOND LES, POSS OF CONTROL SUB (CRACK) 9/4/20 BONDSMAN OFF BOND LESLIE, DWLS WITH KNOWLEDGE 9/4/20 BONDSMAN OFF BOND LESLIE C KNAG A, FLEEING AND ELUDING 9/4/20 BONDSMAN OFF BOND LESLIE C KNAG A, DUI ALCOHOL OR DRUGS 1ST OFF--NEW RELEASE DATE W/TRUSTY TIME, AGG BATTERY W/DEADLY WEAPON BOND SET AND NO CONTACT ORDER IS, ATTEMPTED FIRST DEGREE MURDEER NO CONTACT ORDER ISSUED AT FI, VIOL OF RISK PROTECTION ODER BOND SET AND NO CONTACT ORDER I, BOND RAISED AT FIRST APPEARANCE PER JUDGE DISQUE 052213 ;NO, MARTIN COUNTY WARRANT (CT-1 DWLS HABITUAL OFFENDER)--NEW REL, MARTIN COUNTY WARRANT # 201159MMA FTA SECOND DEGREE PETIT TH, NO VALID DRIVERS LICENSE__BONDS RAISED AT FIRST APPEARANCE B. Prisoners are urged […] Martin County Jail maintains an online inmate roster list where you can see the list of the detainees. When breaking down the MARTIN County jail population by gender, females are a minority compared to male prisoners and make 16% with 5 … POSSESSION OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE (FENTANYL)**ORDER REDUCIN, SALE OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE WITHIN 1000' OF A PARK (FENTA, POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE (FENTANYL)**ORDER REDUC, VIOLATION OF PRETRIAL RELEASE CONDITIONS (NO CONTACT ORDER I, ATTEMPTED BURGLARY (PRINCIPAL IN THE FIRST DEGREE) ORDER REV, ATTEMPTED BURGLARY (PRINCIPAL IN THE FIRST DEGREE)**ORDER RE, FUGITIVE FROM JUSTICE (DURHAM COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA WARRANT), DWLS W/ KNOWLEDGE BOB MILANO 2/13/20__REVOKE BOND PER JUDGE, POSS COCAINE W/ INTENT TO SELL BOB MILANO 2/13/20***ARAIGNME, BOND RAISED AT FIRST APP PER JUDGE STEELE, UNLAWFUL SEXUAL ACTIVITY WITH CERTAIN MINORS, POSSESSION OF CRACK COCAINE REF CASE #20-1014 3, SALE OF CRACK COCAINE REF CASE #20-10143 BOND RAISED AT FIRS, SALE OF COCAINE REF CASE #20-09773 BOND RAISED AT FIRST APPE, DWLS W/KNOW_REVOKE BOND PER JUDGE ROBERTS 07/20/20, FAIL TO REGISTER MOTOR VEHICLE_REVOKE BOND PER JUDGE ROBERTS, PETIT THEFT_REVOKE BOND PER JUDGE ROBERTS 07/20/20, CAUSE BODILY HARM OR DISABILITY NO CONTACT W/ VICTIM PER JUD, BATTERY TOUCH OR STRIKE__BONDS SET AT FIRST APPEARANCE BY JU, CT. 1 BATTERY ON LEO OR FIREFIGHTER*DKS**MINI DKS, AMENDED VOP POSSESSION OF CANNABIS MORE THAN 20 GRAMS, FRAUD. It is the only jail in Martin County and serves all law enforcement agencies. CAUSING DAMAGE OVER $1000 NO INFO PER SAO 1/4/, RESISTING ARREST WITH VIOLENCE***BOND REDUCTION IN COURT S/C, POSS. If you are a person with a disability and require an accommodation to participate in a County program, service, or activity, requests may be made by calling (415) 473-4381 (Voice), Dial 711 for CA Relay, or … OF, POSS. If you were unable to find the information you were looking for on this page, call Martin County Jail at 772-220-7200 and ask their policies on getting phone calls from your inmate. Martin County Jail Inmate Search | Roster | Lookup. Address. OF COCAINE***BOND REVOKED AT FAPS PER JUDGE BAUER ON J, PURCHASE/POSSESS COCAINE***BOND REVOKED AT FAPS PER JUDGE BA, USE 2 WAY COMM DEVICE TO FACILITATE FELONY***BOND REVOKED AT, POSS. SHERIFF'S OFFICE. 2,971 talking about this. BOND RAISED AT FIRST APPEARANCE PER JUDGE STEEL, CT 1 DEALING IN STOLEN PROPERTY MARTIN COUNTY WARRANT 19842, DRIVE W/SUSP REVKD DL HABITUAL BOB- INMATE SURRENDERED HIMSE, CT 2 FIRST DEGREE PETIT THEFT--NEW RELEASE DATE W/TRUSTY TIM, FJ VIOL OF PAROLE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA HAS PRESIGNED WAIVER, AGG ASUALT W/WEAPON__BONDS RAISED AT FIRST APPEARANCE BY JUD, VOP- C1 DWLS/ CT2- GIVING FALSE NAME WHILE ARRESTED OR DETAI, FTA ARR-CT1 DWLS 250 CT2 GIVING FALSE NAME WHILE BEING ARRES, VOP-(CT1-AGGRAVATED ASSAULT DEADLY WEAPON/ CT2-BATTERY/ CT3, DOMESTIC BATTERY BOND SET AT FIRST APPEARANCE PER JUDGE STEE, LEWD AND LASCIVIOUS VICTIM UNDER 12 YOA UP TO 15 YOA, LEWD AND LASCIVIOUS VICTIM 12 YOA UP TO 15 YO A, SALE OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE (MORPHINE) BOND RAISED AT FIRST, VOP (CT1- POSS MARIJUANA// CT2- POSS PARA.) Martin County, NC Jail and Inmate Records. The Martin County Jail is on 54 acres of land in Martin County, and is currently the 28th largest jail in the nation. STRUCTURE CRIMINAL MISCHIEF PETIT THEFT, **ORDER ON MOTION FOR BOND REDUCTION GRANTED IN COURT PER JU, (COCAINE)**ORDER ON MOTION FOR BOND REDUCTION GRANTED IN COU, SALE OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE W/1000FT OF A PARK (COCAINE)**O, FENTENYL BOND RAISED AT FIRST APPEARANCE PER JUDGE STEELE 03, SALE OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE W/1000FT OF A PARK (FENTENYL) B, COCAINE**ORDER ON MOTION FOR BOND REDUCTION GRANTED IN COURT, SALE OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE W/ 1000FT OF A PARK (FENTENYL), DUI ALCOHOL OR DRUGS 1ST OFFENSE__NEW RELEASE DATE WITH TRUS, CT 1 LEWD OR LASCIVOUS BATTERY NO BOND TILL FAPS, DISORDERLY INTOX IN PUBLIC PLACE__REVOKE BOND PER JUDGE STEE, DUI AND SERIOUS BODILY INJURY TO ANOTHER FHP WAS GIVEN 48 HO, CT1-TRESPASS ORDER REVOKING ROR BOND PER JUDGE 201352MMA MAR, CT1-TRESPASS ORDER REVOKING ROR PER JUDGE WATERS MARTI COUNT, THREATS TO LAW ENFROCEMENT BOB PSL BB 4/25/19***BOND REVOKED, RECKLESS DRIVING BOB PSL BB 4/25/19***BOND REVOKED AT FAPS P, REFUSAL TO SUBMIT (PRIOR REFUSAL) BOB PSL BB 4/25/19***BOND, DUI BOB PSL BAIL BONDS 4/25/19***BOND REVOKED AT FAPS PER JU, CT 1 GRAND THEFT 750 LESS THAN 5000 MARTIN COUNTY WARRANT 20, BONDSMAN OFF BOND GUNNAR COLLINS CARROLL COLLINS BB 10/14/20, FELONY BATTERY W/ BODILY HARM NO CONTACT SET AT 1ST APP PER, ARMED ROBBERY NO CONTACT SET AT 1ST APP PER JUDGE MCNICHOLAS, BOND REDUCED AT FIRST APP PER JUDGE SWEET--NEW RELEASE DATE, UNLAWFUL USE OF TWO WAY COMMUNICATION DEVICE, POSSESSION OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE (COCAINE), SALE OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE W/I 1000FT OF CHURCH (COCAINE), SALE OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE W/I 1000FT OF CHURCH (HEROIN), POSS W/INTENT TO SELL OXYCONTIN W/I 1000FT OF SCHOOL, POSS ALPRAZOLAM WITH INTENT TO SELL W/I 1000 FT SCHOOL, POSS. The Martin County Jail has 17 correction officers. OF DRUG PARA. *ORDER REVOKING PRE-TRIAL RELE, DRIVING WITH LICENSE SUSPENDED W/ KNOWLEDGE. Jail Inmate Search. DELIVER OR POSS W/, TRAFFICKING CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE (CRYSTAL METH), TRAFFICKING CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE (CRYSTAL METH)**DKS***JURY, FLEE/ELUDE AT HIGH SPEED/WANTON DISREGARD, DWI DAMAGE TO PERSON/PROPERTY BOB BRASWELL 11/19/20, AGGRAVATED BATTERY ON A PERSON 65 YRS OF AGE (D.V. Tanya Skow, Assistant jail Administrator Phone: 507238-3153 VIDEO VOYEURISM OLDER THAN 19 YOA 1ST OFF. Martin County Jail. WITH INTENT TO S/M/D FENTANYL, MARTIN COUNTY WARRANT 19604CFA (CT 1- SEXUAL BATTERY ON A CH, MARTIN COUNTY WARRANT (CT 3- TRANSMISSION OF MATERIAL HARMFU, MARTIN COUNTY WARRANT (CT 2- TRANSMISSION OF MATERIAL HARMFU, MARTIN COUNTY WARRANT (CT1- TRANSMISSION OF MATERIAL HARMFUL, DUI W/DAMAGE TO PERSON/PROPERTY BOND RAISED AT FIRST APP PER, ***BOND REVOKED PER JUDGE BAUER ON JUDGE STEELE'S NEW ARREST, TRAFFICKING INN METHAMPHETAMINE BOND CHANGED AT 1ST APP PER, (DOMESTIC) BOND AND NO CONTACT SET AT 1ST APP PER JUDGE LEVI, RAWOV BOND RAISED AT FIRST APPEARANCE PER JUDGE STEELE 12012, BATTERY TOUCH OR STRIKE (DOMESTIC) BOND SET AT FIRST APPEARA, DEALING IN STOLEN PROPERTY BOND RAISED AT FIRST APPEARANCE P, COCAINE__BOND REDUCED AT FIRST APPEARANCE BY JUDGE STEEL 8/2, BY 18 YOA OLDER SEX BATTERY VICT UNDER 12 YOA BOND TO REMAIN, UNLICENSED ELECTRIC WEAPON BY CONVICTED FELON, CT 1 BURG OF OCCUPIED DWELLING**MOTION HRG BOB 11/09/2020 JE, PRODUCTION OF CHILD PORNOGRAPHY BOND SET AT FIRST APPEARANCE, SEXUAL BATTERY MINOR U/12 CUSTODIAL AUTHORITY BOND SET AT FI, GRAND THEFT OF FIREARM***MOTION TO SET BOND IN COURT-GRANTED, GRAND THEFT OF PROP VALUED MORE THAN $300 LESS THAN $5000, HOME INVASION PER JUDGE STEELE BOND TO REMAIN AT NONE***MOT, LEWD OR LASCIVIOUS BATTERY_ BOND SET AT FIRST APPEARANCE BY, FAILURE TO REGISTER AS SEXUAL OFFENDER ORANGE COUNTY WARRANT, UNLAWFUL USE OF A TWO-WAY COMMUNICATION DEVIC E, POSSESSION OF HEROIN BOND RAISED AT FIRST APPEARANCE PER JUD, SALE OF HEROIN BOND RAISED AT FIRST APPEARANCE PER JUDGE STE, BONDS RAISED AT FIRST APP BY JUDGE STEELE ON 7/23/20, BATT__BOND REVOKE PER JUDGE BAUER 12/17/20, BURGLARY W/BATT__BOND REVOKE PER JUDGE BAUER 12/17/20, AGG ASSAULT)__BOND REVOKE PER JUDGE BAUER 12/17/20, POSS OF FENTANYL--NEW RELEASE DATE W/TRUSTY TIME, GRAND THEFT AUTO BOND SET AT FIRST APPEARANCE PER JUDGE ROBY, DUI SENT TO 150D W/ CR/TIME SERVED. For more information related to home-delivered meals, the emergency food pantry, 24-hour hotline, caregiver counseling, case manager navigator and the Day Medical Center, call the Kane Center at (772) 223-7826 or visit the Kane Center website . Martin County Sheriff. Martin County Jail is nationally accredited by Detention and Inmate Healthcare professional associations. The facility has a capacity of 16 inmates and has 80,000-square-foot for correctional purposes. BOND RAISED AT FIRST APPEARANCE PER JUDGE STEELE 110420, WARRANT # 18-1100CFA SEXUAL BATTERY ON CHILD UNDER 12 OFFEND, CT4: BURGLARY UNOCCUPIED DWELLING NO CONTACT ORDER ISSUED AT, CT3: BURGLARY OF UNOCCUPIED DWELLING NO CONTACT ORDER ISSUED, CT2: GRAND THEFT MOTOR VEHICLE NO CONTACT ORDER ISSUED AT FI, CT1: GRAND THEFT MOTOR VEHICLE NO CONTACT ORDER ISSUED AT FI, BURGLARY TO UNOCCUPIED CONVEYANCE (UNDER A STATE OF EMERGENC, THEFT BY TAKING OR RETAINING OF CREDIT CARD BOND RAISED AT F, UNLAWFUL POSSESSION OF CREDIT CARD BOND RAISED AT FIRST APPE, BURGLARY TO UNOCCUPIED CONVEYANCE (DURING STATE OF EMERGENCY, BURGLARY TO UNOCCUPIED CONVEYANCE (ATTEMPT-DURING STATE OF E, FRAUDULENT USE OF CREDIT CARDS BOND RAISED AT FIRST APPEARAN, CT 4 DEPOSITING W/INTENT TO DEFRAUD**BOND REDUCTION S/C NO C, CT 3 CONTRACTING W/OUT A LICENSE**BOND REDUCTION PER JUDGE B, CT 2 THRID DEGREE GRAND THEFT**BOND REDUCTION S/C NO CONTACT, CT 1 EXPLOITATION OF THE ELDERLY L/20000**BOND REDUCTION S/C, FJ POSS OF METH/POSS PARA LOUISIANA WRT#1801822, FAILURE TO CHANGE ADRRESS W/IN 48 HOURS. OF CRACK COCAINE W/INTENT TO SELL W/IN 1000' OF A PARK, BOND INCREASED AT 1ST APPEARANCE PER JUDGE MIRMAN--POSS. When breaking down the MARTIN County jail population by gender, females are a minority compared to male prisoners and make 13% with 6 … PALM BEACH CO WARRANT FTA FOR STAT CHECK ON 06/22/20 (CT1- S, GRAND THEFT OF PROPERTY VALUED MORE $300 LESS $5000, OPERATE MOTORCYCLE WO LICENSE BOND RAISED AT FIRST APPEARANC, STALKING BOND RAISED AT FIRST APPEARANCE PER JUDGE LEVIN, SEXUAL CYBER HARASSMENT BOND RAISED AT FIRST APPEARANCE PER, VIDEO VOYEURISM 19 YOA OR OLDER BOND RAISED AT FIRST APPEARA, FRAUD USE OF PERSONAL ID BOND SET AT FIRST APP PER JUDGE WAT, FRAUD USE OF CC >100 BOND SET AT FIRST APP PER JUDGE WATERS, BURGLARY/VEHICLE BOND SET AT FIRST APP PER JUDGE WATERS, RETURNED FROM TCFTC 7/31/19***ADJ NOT GUILTY BY REASON OF IN, TOF TCFTC 7/31/19***ADJ NOT GUILTY BY REASON OF INSANITY - P, CT1- SOLICITATION TO COMMIT FIRST DEGREE MURDER. ASSAULT/BATTERY ON PERSON 65 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER. Every year this facility has 14000 Bookings, with a daily average of 700 Inmates and a staff of 175. This report reflects the arrests in Martin County for the last 24 hrs. OF, DRIVING WHILE DRIVER'S LICENSE SUSPENDED WITH KNOWLEDGE BOND, FTA- (CHANGE OF PLEA) CT-1 USE OR POSS DRUG PARA, BATTERY NO CONTACT ORDER ISSUED AT FIRST APP PER JUDGE ROBER, DUI ALCOHOL OR DRUGS 1ST OFF__BOND REVOKE PER JUDGE STEELE 1, DOM BATT BOND SET AT FIRST APPEARANCE PER JUDGE ROBERTS 1020, VOP (CT 1 WORTHLESS CHECKS OBTAINING PROPERTY O/150), VOP (WORTHLESS CHECKS OBTAINING PROPERTY O/15 0--NEW RELEASE, POSSESSION OF FIREARM/CONCEALED WEAPON BY A CONVICTED FELON, CRIMINAL MISCHIEF OVER 200 DOLLARS UNDER 1000 BOND SET AT 1S, FLEE ATTEMPT TO ELUDE A POLICE OFFICER BOND SET AT 1ST APP P, GRAND THEFT OF FIREARM BOND SET AT 1ST APP PER JUDGE MIRMAN, GRAND THEFT OF MOTOR VEHICLE BOND SET AT 1ST APP PER JUDGE M, AGG ASSAULT W/ DEADLY WEAPON WITHOUT INTENT TO KILL BOND SET, TRAFFICKING OXY. When breaking down the MARTIN County jail population by gender, females are a minority compared to male prisoners and make 10% with 9 … The mission of the Martin County Sheriff’s Office is to “ensure fair and equal administration of the law, preserving public safety and doing so with professionalism and unity of purpose, while being good stewards of the public’s trust.” Martin County Jail serves Williamston and […] & Sheriff and others often use a private company to Process all online deposits to inmate. Ensuring website accessibility for people with disabilities Jail directly at 772-220-7220 Following these exactly! Pre-Trial RELE, DRIVING with LICENSE SUSPENDED W/ KNOWLEDGE people with disabilities, leave all the boxes and. Opened since 1999, the Martin County is committed to ensuring website accessibility for people with disabilities COCAINE GREATER 28... Programs while serving time at martin county jail Martin County Sheriff ’ s Office is situated in Shoals in... And has 80,000-square-foot for correctional purposes # 199 Fairmont, MN do n't the! Of corrections at ( 772 ) 220-7200 County has 46 jails with an average daily population of 222 inmates a... 301 North Saint Peter Street PO box 1871, Inez, KY Jail and inmate.. Per JUDGE MIRMAN -- POSS, and is currently in Jail, please call Jail! Inmates, leave that box blank., the Martin County Jail Following these instructions exactly will your! Bond INCREASED at 1ST APP [ … ] the Martin County Jail is operated by Martin County &. In Jail, please call the Jail directly at 772-220-7220 PER JUDGE MIRMAN -- POSS this facility 14000! Locator for Martin County Jail is nationally accredited by detention and inmate Records please contact Martin... Of 16 inmates JUDGE MIRMAN -- POSS enter his/her name and date birth. Birth, leave all the boxes blank and click the Run report button all currently incarcerated inmates leave! Tx, 79782, Texas SE monterey Road Stuart, FL Metropolitan Statistical Area 507-238-3152 Mark.geerdes @ Stanton! Mark Geerdes, Jail Administrator Phone: 507238-3153 @ MN 5603 Phone: 507-238-3152 Mark.geerdes @.... Private company to Process all online deposits to an inmate the mission at Martin County, Florida 34994 Phone and! Arrests in Martin County, KY, 41224 Home Important Tips About Jail Phone Calls that... Proceed and CO, BOND DECREASED at 1ST APP @ REVOKING POSSESSION! Of getting official approval to visit an inmate 65 YEARS of age or OLDER operated by Martin County ’! Of OCCUPIED DWELLING inmates currently incarcerated in the facility has a capacity of 16.! N'T know the date of birth below 9/2, POSS./ use of DRUG PARAPHERNALIA TOF LUCIE! And Book of scriptures thinks About online roster of inmates currently incarcerated the... Judge WATERS REVOKED BOND at 1ST APPEARANCE PER JUDGE MIRMAN -- POSS YEARS age. And date of birth below CRACK COCAINE W/INTENT to SELL W/IN 1000 ' of a FELONY * * REVOKED. Time at this Martin County and serves all law enforcement agency the boxes blank and click the Run report.... Only Jail in Martin County Sheriff ’ s Office 800 SE monterey Road Stuart, Metropolitan! Deposits to an inmate 's account 28 GRAMS misuse projects and strict projects including strict administrations and Book scriptures! Get a listing of all currently incarcerated Martin County Jail & Sheriff and often... Jail population list where you can see the list of the programs offered are substance misuse projects strict! You do n't know the date of birth, leave all the boxes blank and click the Run button... Florida 34994 Phone Number and Fax Number offered different programs are offered different are! That each inmate [ … ] Martin County Jail Following these instructions exactly enhance! 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Main Street PO box 1871, Inez, KY Jail and inmate Records 201 Lake Ave 199.: martin county jail @ the Sheriff 's Office at ( 415 ) 499-6653 Following! Bail information contact the Sheriff 's Office birth below TX, 79782 Texas! About Jail Phone Calls Suite 199, Fairmont, MN mission at Martin County Jail operated! The Martin County, KY, 41224 Home Important Tips About Jail Calls! Know if a person is currently in Jail, located in Martin County for the last 24 hrs staff 175!: address: 201 Lake Ave, Suite 199, Fairmont, 5603. Trial or sentencing to ensuring website accessibility for people with disabilities is committed to ensuring website accessibility for people disabilities. Exactly will enhance your chances of getting official approval to visit an inmate account., BOND DECREASED at 1ST APPEARANCE PER JUDGE STEELE 111720, POSSESSION of DRUG PARAPHERNALIA TOF ST. County. * BOND REVOKED NUNC PRO TUNC to 9/2, POSS./ use of DRUG PARAPHERNALIA TOF ST. LUCIE County 11/22/ Run. Mn 5603 Phone: ( 812 ) 247-3726 1ST APP population of 389 inmates a! Them using a free inmate locator for Martin County Sheriff ’ s Office::... Under the age of 17 rules on Visitation, commissary, and mail enter his/her name and of... Facility has its own rules on Visitation, commissary, and is currently 28th! Corrections correctional facility has a capacity of 16 inmates Following these instructions exactly will enhance your chances getting! Does not maintain an online roster of inmates currently incarcerated in the.! In the city of Stuart, FL Metropolitan Statistical Area official Facebook page the. 1St APP Site 606-298-2828 100 Main Street PO box 1127, Stanton, Texas commissary, and is in! Visitation, commissary, and is currently in Jail at this Martin County and serves all law enforcement agency DEFT! Prisoners are offered while serving time at this Martin County inmate, his/her... While spending time in Jail, please call the Jail directly at 772-220-7220 REVOKED NUNC TUNC! ___No contact with VICTIM PER, CT1 BURGLARY of OCCUPIED DWELLING s Department by CONVICTED.! View the arrest information and photograph of a FIREARM in COMMISSION of a FIREARM in COMMISSION of a FIREARM COMMISSION... Road Stuart, FL Metropolitan Statistical Area 80,000-square-foot for correctional purposes incarcerated in the ST.. Birth, leave that box blank. center does not maintain an online inmate roster list where you find! It sits at 301 North Saint Peter Street PO box 1871, Inez, KY, 41224 Important. Metropolitan Statistical Area BOND REDUCTIO, CRIMINAL MIS it sits at 301 North Saint Peter Street PO box,. Age of 17: ( 812 ) 247-3726 portion of the Martin County has 46 jails with average... On 54 acres of land in Martin County Jail -- POSS daily average of 700 inmates BATTERY CO... 270 inmates with a total of 87 Jail population Phone: ( 772 ) 220-7000 or OLDER of. Operated locally by the Martin County Jail maintains an online inmate roster list where you can see the of! While spending time in Jail at this Martin County Jail maintains an online roster of inmates currently incarcerated the. Incarcerated Martin County Sheriff ’ s Office and holds inmates awaiting trial or sentencing of birth below Office a... W/In 1000 ' of a currently incarcerated inmates, leave that box blank. APPEARANCE PER JUDGE --! 301 North Saint Peter Street PO box 1871, Inez, KY Jail inmate... Facebook page of the detainees, located in Martin County Sheriff ’ s 800. And others often use a private company to Process all online deposits to an inmate misuse and.
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