fcyde, Nov 19, 2017 #1. We’ve tested push, pull and push-pull configurations on 240mm variants of our XE (60mm thick, 16 FPI) and SE radiators (28mm thick, 22FPI). There is a video somewhere from bitwit talking about this very matter on youtube, suggest you watch it too. When you mount an AIO in the front of your case as intake, the main trade off is that you will generally get better CPU temps at the cost of GPU temp. Das bringt mir sehr viel Licht ins dunkel der wasserkühlung und die Frage, push , pull , push +pull. And I would make the AIO have pushpull for even cooler temps. Joined: Dec 12, 2010 Messages: 6,053. PUSH / PULL. But you can install in both locations and check temperatures to see what's best for you. I'm starting to put together a new build and am wondering about clearances for using a 280mm front raid in Push/Pull config. i would not use a fan in the bottom behind the psu because that dust filter is annoying to get out + cleaning the fan in the front … GPU: eVGA RTX 3080 FTW3 Ultra @ Stock (for now) PSU: eVGA SuperNova P2 1200W - Case: Thermaltake View 91 In my opinion the push/pull makes my build look more symmetrical if that makes sense lol. Hey. It all depends on your setup. But I cannot decide if I want push or pull, originally push made sense due to vent but would pull configuration pull more air through the vent if the radiator was next to it? Pull in push - pull config produces marginally (but some times important) help to push fans to do do their job. PS: Push/Pull mit unterschiedlichen Lüfter könnte den Luftstrom sogar verschlechtern. I will most likely be using the H110i from Corsair (not bought yet). Wouldn't that be too much intake? Fan pulling will have the same effect as Fan pushing. 2 front and 1 back. Posted by 5 months ago. AIO Push/Pull. Selbstverständlich ist das nicht der einzige Faktor, der die Kühleffizienz einer Wasserkühlung beeinflusst. TONS of people have asked me about fan configurations for radiators and heatsinks. assuming the AIO cooler tubes are long enough i would place the radiator in the front. Dazu kommt die weitere Problematik mit Luft in der AiO. Front, with fans mounted in 'pull' and the radiator mounted to the case. Find out what fan configuration is best for cooling down your radiator. Hatte wir bei uns, da der Rechner meines Sohnes die gleichen Voraussetzung wie dein Rechner hat. Coś za coś. I recently experimented with my Nepton 140XL cooler by shutting down one or other fan in push - pull configuration. 28 Nov 2018 at 17:34 #6. with the extra fan in front as well for extra intake and one fan in the back for exhaust. or both? You can use one of those fans to replace your OEM lower front intake fan. The result is decreased airflow ranging from a small percentage for some dust on the blade edges, to double-digits if the screen gets clogged. Slyme. I was using a 280mm radiator in the front initially, I then swapped for the 240mm radiator to test my theory. H150i Pro RGB - Push/Pull Question Cooling. Don’t get caught up in the push/pull language trap. if the fans are 2,000 rpm or higher i would put them pushing air. Depending on the physical arrangement of the fan and airflow path, when air is pushed in by a fan at the front end, dust will accumulate to some extent on the screen and blades. Joined: Oct 10, 2014 Messages: 232 Location: 7315. This time 1300RPM Push/Pull vs 1400RPM Push: if you fans are 2,000 rpm or lower i would put them with as pull with a shroud. PULL . Looking at changing my Corsair H75 AIO for a for a H100i in my Corsair 240Air, would like to get the H110i but belive its too big to fit At the moment on my H75 I have fan on both sides of the radiator mounted at the front of my case, with the H100i am I better having the two fans mounted behind the radiator so pulling air over the rad, or in front of the rad pushing the air onto it? 66 XX. Ich hab mir heute eine Corsair H150i Pro RGB AIO Wakü geholt und wollte fragen, wie ich die 3 zusätzlichen Lüfter Montieren kann, so dass ich die Lüfter mit den Standart lüftern der wakü auf der gleichen geschwindigkeit laufen lassen kann. Gangster. Bonus question: Push or pull fan setup? PUSH. Results for the S340 were consistent with the RL06, which has the same conventional front intake, rear/top exhaust system. But you can install in both locations and check temperatures to see what's best for you. You can use one of those fans to replace your OEM lower front intake fan. Ascend to... the PC Master Race. After going on a long research mission, and finding basically nothing, I deiced What the HELL! https://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?item=N82E16811147264, https://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835181101&cm_re=h110i-. However, an AIO cooler has a radiator unit that you have to install at the front/top or the rear panel (120mm AIO only) and it takes a lot of space depending on the radiator size. Also ich habe mir jetzt für meinen ryzen 2700x diese AIO rausgesucht. I only bought the 240mm so that I could try push/pull with some LL120 fans that I already had installed in the front of the case. AW: Frage zu AIO Wasserkühlung. I suppose. i5 4670K 4,5Ghz; 1,42VCore; ... Push oder Pull tut sich an Radiatoren in der Regel nicht viel, einfach einbauen wie es am besten aussieht. NZXT S340 Elite – Pump, Full Speed Load Temperatures. Chłodnica jest umieszczona na froncie, wentylatory PULL zasysają chłodne powietrze z zewnątrz, przeciągając je przez chłodnicę do wnętrza. By this point in the tread , you realize I'm being cheeky ;) Really my main point is , why does everyone always say there is no benefit from a push pull on an AIO * Because rads are thin,, blah blah,, My over temps have dropped by almost 22 C In high load. Testing push vs pull vs push/pull. Does it changes anything? Hi. Generalnie nic dodać, nic ująć. Thanks for your answers guys. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Here's push vs. pull: This is a push/pull configuration (a "radiator sandwich", lol), but you can see the point. Here is diagram of the flow--waiting on my Parvum s2.5 case to show up. This way I maintain positive case pressure basically forcing air outwards. Push, pull, or push/pull? I use a Fractal Design Define S with a custom loop, and mounting my radiators as such netted me the best results. I recently purchased a 280mm AIO as an upgrade to my computer, but I can only mount it on the front since the top has a 240mm limit. Joined Nov 16, 2005 Messages 1,474. 420mm Push am Deckel oder 280 Pull an der Front? So an obvious question arises, “Is it better to use the fan to push fresh air into the unit to be cooled (positive pressure), or to put the fan on the exhaust side and pull heated air through and out of it (negative pressure) (see Figure 1)?” It seems like a simple-enough question, and it … Es gibt so viele Faktoren das eine einheitliche Antwort nicht möglich ist. be quiet! Eine Push/Pull-Konfiguration ist auf dem Papier also am effizientesten. Join Date Oct 2019 Reputation 10 Posts 3. Chłodnica jest umieszczona na froncie, wentylatory PUSH/PULL zasysają chłodne powietrze z zewnątrz, wspólnie, do wnętrza. Super Moderator. If you mount it at the front it will be cooler for the cpu, but your gpu will suffer, if you put it at the top then its reversed, im currently running with mine at the top, but im considering swapping it back down to the front myself. I have it in an antec one case that ive modded to take it in the front, which makes it difficult to get lower anyways. Hey, I have got NZXT Kraken X73 for my new i9-10900K build; I have also ordered additional 3 Noctua NF-F12 iPPC 3000 PWM fans to do Push/Pull with the radiator. Das trifft bei dickeren Radiatoren und/oder solchen mit dicht beieinander liegenden Lamellen umso mehr zu: Hier ist mehr statischer Druck nötig, um frische Luft durch den Radiator zu transportieren. Ich danke euch schon mal für die zahlreichen Infos und Erfahrungen. Radiator mounted on the front of the case with case fans (non rgb) in front of the radiator pushing air through. if you can shrouds all around would be the best . 3. The YouTube talking heads have tested push pull a few times and haven't gotten better than a couple of degrees for that $50 fan investment. All in One (AIO) water cooling kits in particular have gained popularity among users who want push frequencies higher while keeping their CPUs cooler. 99.9% of people will want to bring air through the front (intake) rather than exhaust through that panel. Opcja PUSH/PULL ze zdjętym frontem i górnym filtrem natomiast niemalże zrównuje się z najsłabszym wynikiem, gdy chłodnica jest umieszczona na froncie. In most casses I would recomend you put your aio rad wherever your intake is which for this case seems to be the front. I would do the top as well. Let’s double check that at medium fan speeds. Edit ; won't reply for a while because I need to sleep. too much rad surface would be blocked and the case only has room at the front for a 120mm. Roughly 3-4 degrees under load. Do you mount your AIO at the top or front of your case? Typical users aren't going to see huge benefits, but if you are pushing high vcore and cooling CPU and GPUs that are overclocked too you will need to pull out all the trricks push/pull being one of them. You’ll see there are two distinct groups – the Push/Pull radiators from 76% up, and the push only group from 40-50%. I'm getting a new system in a week or so and I will retain the AIO, but after reading this thread I'm going to change to a push configuration with the fans still mounted on the outside of the case. Jan 20, 2017 #4 Nebulous [H]ard|Gawd. push-pull my man. Shadow Rock 3 White. Was ist nun die beste Anordnung? Typical users aren't going to see huge benefits, but if you are pushing high vcore and cooling CPU and GPUs that are overclocked too you will need to pull out all the trricks push/pull being one of them. NZXT H510 AIO Push or Pull. Should I install it in the front or at the top? I was thinking of using it as exhaust. Ein Fakt ist, egal welche Lösung umgesetzt wird sind die Temperatur unterschiede nur marginal. Joined: 2 Oct 2012 Posts: 276 Location: Perth, Scotland. I used to use a push pull configuration, but mounting the fans on the push side of the radiator inside the case was very problematic as you can see by the attached picture: Press J to jump to the feed. Which ended up not working out to well anyways because the cable management bar in the H510 prevented me from installing a top pull fan on the rad. Zastanawia mnie natomiast opcja numer 1 z tylnym wentylem wiejącym do środka. Way to test for yourself! AIO Radi an die Front, und fertig. It's driving me crazy and I love this community,always good advice. I hope I haven't gone to COLD??? Pulling cool air from outside and passing through the rad into the case and then out the exhaust in the back. Diese Unterschiede sind für normal Nutzer eigentlich irrelevant. The CPU it will be cooling is a Ryzen 3900x. Dominic Moass December 28, 2016 Cooling, Featured Tech Reviews When I built my first PC a few years back, I … Both . Joined May 10, 2009 Messages 12. Yes I know Push/Pull is typically not needed, but I'm using NZXT's AER RGB fans on the inside, and they don't have good static pressure for radiators. And the GPU shouldn't be affected, and if it is, it's but like 2c. I have the same case, it was great to build in and easy on the eyes :), I have the same case and cooler and I put mine at the top moving air into the case. Lieber wär mir 280 Pull an der Front (dann kann ich den Deckel zu lassen zwecks Lichtaustritt und Katzen die … I use the crystal 570x case and I didnt like all the open space in the front. I like to push air through the radiator and out the top of the case. Wenn nicht, ist von der Variante abzuraten, da sich die GPU-Temperaturen massiv verschlechtern. Montaż AIO w obudowie - wentylatory (push&pull) ... AiO na froncie poprawi tempy CPU ale w tyłek dostaje GPU. So spielt die Die Entscheiden beim Einbauen einer AiO zwischen Deckel vs. Front ist rein von den Temperaturen her einfach: Ist man bereit in Deckkellüfter zu investieren, fährt man mit der Frontmontage am besten. ... Place it in front in push/pull, my case is very similar to yours and is fantastic that way. #3. Personally I would you install the aio on the top since the front doesn't look like it has very good ventilation for airflow. All in One (AIO) water cooling kits in particular have gained popularity among users who want push frequencies higher while keeping their CPUs cooler. Hi, I have recently bought a Rosewill CULLINAN-RED case and was wondering what would be the best position for my AIO radiator. It wasn't a huge difference, but going from top mount exhaust push to front mount intake push/pull it dropped only a degree or two average on idle. Case: https://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?item=N82E16811147264 Cooler: https://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835181101&cm_re=h110i--35-181-101--Product. Under full load and same conditions, push fan by itself gave me about 5c lower temps than pull fan alone. Do you mount your AIO at the top or front of your case? The parts are going to be ordered in the coming week. Corsair enters the large AIO cooler arena with the H150i Pro, a triple 120mm radiator product, with all the typical Corsair features familiar. I will mount the radiator at the front and use Noctua 3000 RPM fans to push air through the radiator and NZXT 2000 RPM fans to pull air into PC. Ascend to a level that respects your eyes, your wallet, your mind, and your heart. Now the case has up to 360mm of space on top, should it be installed more towards the front or really just at the back? I have built a few PC's but this will be my first time installing an AIO. You’ll see there are two distinct groups – the Push/Pull radiators from 76% up, and the push only group from 40-50%. Yes I know Push/Pull is typically not needed, but I'm using NZXT's AER RGB fans on the inside, and they don't have good static pressure for radiators. Is there a way to mount a 240mm rad in the front without swapping out the two front led fans? And if I install it at the top should it be further in the back or closer to the front? I will mount the radiator at the front and use Noctua 3000 RPM fans to push air through the radiator and NZXT 2000 RPM fans to pull … AIO cooler or radiator on top or front? Sep 5, 2010 #6 A. awspeed n00b. Which do I recommend? #2. Chcąc zwiększyć efektywność, warto rozważyć model PUSH/PULL, ale wiąże się to, co zrozumiałe, z pogorszeniem wrażeń akustycznych. (perhaps a push pull config?) New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the pcmasterrace community. Both sets of 3 need to blow the same direction, no matter what that direction is. May 4, 2000 13,927 4,547 146. Lets start with the obvious, increasing fan RPM from 800 to 1600 nets greater gains than having push-pull set to 800 RPM. Jan 20, 2017 #3 Bandalo 2[H]4U. #4. I went rad at top with mine pushing air out, front pulling air in and rear also pushing air out. Learn more about ASRocks new X99 Taichi at http://www.asrock.com/mb/Intel/X99%20Taichi/index.us.asp and Fatal1ty X99 Professional Gaming … AIO Push vs Pull Push Pull Radiator PC Push Pull AIO Setup PC Fan Push Pull Push Pull AIO Screws Push Pull PC Cooling 120Mm AIO Push Pull Push Pull Config Push Pull Door Latch Push Pull Noctua Fans EVGA Dg77 Push Pull Push Pull Clearance Push Pull Workout Push Pull Door Handles Push Pull Sled Push Pull Sign Pull Push NZXT S340 Push Pull Door Labels GPU AIO Push or Pull Water Cooler Push Pull … In other words ANY radiator with push/pull fans is significantly better than ANY radiator with push only fans at similar RPM. Hey, How is your experience in putting the radiator of the CPU cooler in the front or on top of the case? If you do mount it on top then exhaust is better but not for cooling reasons but so it does not suck in so much dust. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Ryzen 5 2600x | 1070 Ti | 16GB DDR4@3200Mhz, i7 7700k, RX Vega 64, 1080p Ultrawide Master Race, :mod4:i5-8600k|Maximus X Hero|GTX1080|16GB LPX. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Press J to jump to the feed. By this point in the tread , you realize I'm being cheeky ;) Really my main point is , why does everyone always say there is no benefit from a push pull on an AIO * Because rads are thin,, blah blah,, My over temps have dropped by almost 22 C In high load. Front Upper Top Rear NZXT S340 Elite – Pump, Full Speed Idle Temperatures . So as the title I want to make my AIO water cooler a push/pull style and I got 4 fans with 2 different max fan speeds. There are lots of different opinions on what is best, all have similar results. EK-AIO Elite 360 D-RGB Front Push-Pull Pumpe min. 63 XX. Depending on the size of the rad, but just go, push or pull, not worth the extra noise etc as push pull makes bugger all difference havabeer, Nov 19, 2017 #2. isaakk Member. In other words ANY radiator with push/pull fans is significantly better than ANY radiator with push only fans at similar RPM. Works well. In this subreddit, we celebrate and promote the ultimate gaming and working platform. Here's an episode that we've been asked to do for quite some time. Good morning People of Reddit ! By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. ... Best direction Push/Pull isn't what the manufacturer claims is best. Welcome to the official subreddit of the PC Master Race. I'm starting to put together a new build and am wondering about clearances for using a 280mm front raid in Push/Pull config. Under 40mm thick rads push pull has no substantial gain to be had but again better all be it minuscule than push or pull only. I like my push/pull setup, I dropped a good chunk of temperature at load too. I have it as an exhaust with 3 intake fans. 64 XX. I always mounted my rads in the front, but then … Lässt sich mit einer AIO und Luftgekühlter Grafikkarte nicht anders regel. 64 XX. people are poor, and don't want to buy fans. Hi I use a H115i on my 9700k at the top of my case. I suppose. CPU Cooler: Thermaltake Floe RGB 280mm AIO (Push/Pull with Thermaltake Riing & Pure fans) RAM: 4x8GB G.Skill TridentZ RGB 3600MHz CL16 (F4-3600C16Q-32GTZR) @ 4000MHz CL17 1.42V. Under 40mm thick rads push pull has no substantial gain to be had but again better all be it minuscule than push or pull only. View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message New ROGer Array. CPU temperatures were predictably lower when the radiator was placed in the path of unwarmed in-flowing air, while GPU temperatures … AIO Push/Pull. Well done my man! This time 1300RPM Push/Pull vs 1400RPM Push: You will need to purchase a Corsair ML120 PRO fan (no LED, no RGB) to use in a push/pull configuration for your radiator sandwich. Push means air goes fan -> radiator, pull means air goes radiator -> fan. Baden. If I am understanding this thread correctly, the H75 comes with two SP series fans. If we take all the components of the AIO together, then it may consume more space than a mainstream CPU Air cooler. Push or pull makes no difference. As for the all-important CPU cooler, I decided to pick two – the Cooler Master Hyper 212 LED air cooler, as well as the Arctic Liquid Freezer 240 all-in-one liquid cooler. Best, Alex 10-26-2019 08:43 PM #2. Joined Dec 15, 2010 Messages 2,660. We put it through its paces in the lab. Although, I would have the AIO front mounted, bacause you get the CLU cooler (and you've got an i9-9900k, hot chip, so needs all it can get.) After going on a long research mission, and finding basically nothing, I deiced What the HELL! Since it's usually best to have the front to back airflow, is it okay to mount my AIO radiator with the fans pulling air in from the outside through the front … Trust. or both? Mit Luftkühlung sollte jedenfalls oben und hinten immer abgeführt werden, ganz gleich ob der Radiator oben mit verbaut ist. I use a pull configuration due to the nature of my case. I have mine front mounted mate. Close. Kiedy jest na górze to znów GPU ma lepsze warunki. Ciekawe jak to wpływa na temp. AIO Wasserkühlung mit Push/Pull einbauen? I use a Cooler Master HAF 912+ with a 240mm Cooler Master Seidon AIO kit. A subreddit to show off your Corsair build, discuss new releases and find Corsair related news! Najlepszym sposobem na uzyskanie jak najniższych temperatur na CPU jest umieszczenie chłodnicy na … If I am understanding this thread correctly, the H75 comes with two SP series fans. I'm trying to decide if I should push/pull my AIO radiators or not. Bonus question: Push or pull fan setup? Let’s double check that at medium fan speeds. After much extensive testing on UTube (Jay's Two Cents & Linus Tech Tips are 2 good channels to watch) It really does not matter. Personally I would you install the aio on the top since the front doesn't look like it has very good ventilation for airflow. ... Radiator mounted on the front of the case with included rgb fans pulling air through it. Will Temps be better in front? Place it in front in push/pull, my case is very similar to yours and is fantastic that way. Najsłabiej wypada konfiguracja PULL, której stosowanie, w świetle przeprowadzonych testów, należy określić jako bezsensowne. I used two AIO coolers for this test, one is a 280mm (EVGA CLC 280 Liquid CPU Cooler) and the other is a 240mm (Corsair H100i V2). Bringing in the coolest air but bringing it into the case. fcyde, Nov 19, 2017 #1. havabeer Member. Arctic Freezer 50. AIO Water Cooler - Pull air into case or exhaust air out of case So I'm installing AIO cooler, Corsair. One exhaust and one I take fan. And I will set up 3 Aer F120 120mm Case fans at the top and 1 Aer F140 140mm Case fan at the back to exhaust air out that will come with NZXT 710 case. I want to make the push fans at 1800 rpm and the pull fans 3000 rpm. 0 UsandThem Elite Member. The rgb fans will be used as exhaust on the top and back. The reason for the difference is that the top of my case cannot take a 280mm radiator. You will need to purchase a Corsair ML120 PRO fan (no LED, no RGB) to use in a push/pull configuration for your radiator sandwich. Trzeba testować i dobrać odpowiednio dla siebie. EK-AIO Elite 360 D-RGB Deckel Push Pumpe min. Although, I would have the AIO front mounted, bacause you get the CLU cooler (and you've got an i9-9900k, hot chip, so needs all it can get.) 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