called videos. Sous la vidéo, ... Collez ensuite l'ensemble dans le code HTML de votre blog ou de votre site Web. However, a video gallery doesn’t have to be overly complicated and, in actuality, only requires a minimal amount of code to get working. We need it to bring in our thumbnails, handle the overlay, and display the correct YouTube video. Check out our case study for O'neill surfing, which uses Vimeo videos to embed responsive videos that autoplay. Easy embed videos from YouTube video playlist, channel and videos IDs to your WordPress website. HTML5 video players. You can even create your own custom button images for it! After sprinkling a bit more CSS magic on it, here’s an example of how your gallery may look: Was this article helpful? We recommend 16:9 players be at least 480 pixels wide and 270 pixels tall.Any web page that uses the IFrame API must also implement the following JavaScript function: 1. onYouTu… We have been exploring different ways to embed youtube videos for responsive design. Copy and paste a direct link to your YouTube video (or Google Video, Metacafe, Vimeo, MySpace) into the ' Video url ' field and press " Add video " button.This video Centering Youtube Video On Website will be automatically added to your website gallery. Kopiere den HTML-Code aus dem angezeigten Feld. You are done. Here’s some basic CSS to have a 4 column gallery: It may seem as though we have a lot of things we need our jQuery script to handle. Customisable with CSS. Then just add id or class name of the object(hidden div) which contains your html, inside the data-html attribute. data-src should not be provided when you use html5 videos . Avec l'introduction du HTML5, la balise vidéo s'est répandu tres rapidement avec une bonne compatibilité avec les navigateurs modernes. Step 2: Open a new browser tab and go to your youtube video. Lastly, we will need to write a script that will display the correct video in the overlay. Video was a game-changer for us personally in regards to keeping people on the site longer. For a working example, check out our homepage for embeded reponsive videos. If you have included the videos that you do not wish to be in the website gallery, you can easily remove them. Sie können auf dieser Seite ganz automatisch einen Code für das HTML Video erstellen, den sie einfach kopieren und in ihre Webseite einfügen können. Alles, was Sie dazu benötigen, ist das native Element video, ... Möchten Sie beispielsweise ein YouTube-Video einbinden, rufen Sie den entsprechenden Clip über die Plattform auf und entnehmen den Code dem Einbettungsmenü. Vimeo, Youtube and local videos. Choose highly-appreciated best YouTube widget for creating amazing video channel, gallery or playlists on your website in 2 minutes. Video slider / carousel. Youtube, Vimeo Video Gallery. Html5 Video Gallery. Embed YouTube and Vimeo videos in your website with style, and far faster web page loading, with Kina Video Presenter . In the first function, we are looping through all tags inside our videos