Record Disclosure for Internet Searches Please be advised. Register of Deeds P. O. 500 N Main St, Suite 239 / PO Box 248, Monroe, North Carolina 28111 . Our mission is to record, preserve, and maintain access to real estate, vital records, military service records, and also administering the Notary Oath in an efficient manner in accordance to North Carolina General Statutes. Bestowed with powers by the Michigan constitution, the office of Register of Deeds is the library of land records for the county. Registration of such documents gives legal public notice as to title and is vital to property ownership and finance. The Register of Deeds office is responsible for recording instruments that are properly notarized. Register of Deeds Office Phone: 704-283-3843 The Register of Deeds serves as custodian and manager of a large number of public records. Register of Deeds; Register of Deeds Resources; GIS & Mapping Deed Look-up; Anyone can access the information contained in the Register of Deeds office. Find register of deeds in Union County, NC on Yellowbook. Deputy Register of Deeds. Cherokee County Register of Deeds Remote Access; Vital Records Website; View All … Contains Business Hours, News, Notices, and links to Search Real Estate Records, Apply for a Marriage License,and more. NC Register of Deeds Offices: County: County Web Site Document Access GIS: Tax: Chamber: Alamance Phone: 336-570-6565 Fax: 336-570-6562 PO Box 837 118 W Harden St Graham, NC … Register Of Deeds Deb Brandt. Contact the Clerk of Court's office in the courthouse at (704) 698â3100. You can come in to access all records, but the Register of Deed’s website only has deeds from 1993 and plats from 1842 available. Stay on US 601 until you cross US 74 in Monroe (approximately 45 minutes from the I-85 exit) and continue straight into town (road name becomes Skyway Drive). Copies of these items can be obtained visiting the register of deeds office or by the web at . Box 70 Manteo, NC 27954. Register Of Deeds. Copyright | Website Privacy Policy | Accessibility, Union County Government Center As explained by the North Carolina General Statute 130A-93, only the following can obtain certified copies of documents. Please call the Register of Deeds office for further information at 704-283‐3610. Union County Register of Deeds 500 N Main St, #239 The Register of Deeds serves as the custodian and manager for real estate related documents as well as vital records and DD214s of the county. To obtain a marriage license or be sworn-in as a notary public, you must come in person. The staff consists of an assistant and 4 deputies. 1408 South Horner Blvd. 500 North Main Street, Monroe, NC 28112 These documents include Warranty Deeds, Deeds of Trust (Mortgage), Plats, Liens, Releases, Assignments, and many other instruments. REGISTER OF DEEDS Protecting and Providing All Recorded Transactions. Our physical address is: 125 Washington St Ste. Registers of deeds are elected to four-year terms by the citizens of the county and serve as custodian and manager of large numbers of public records. Register of Deeds Office Phone: 704-283-3843 Marriage Licenses are issued between the hours of 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday excluding holidays in the Register of Deeds Office, 2nd Floor, 100 Dowd Street, Carthage, NC Marriages may take place anywhere in the State of North Carolina but … Wake County Register of Deeds 300 S. Salisbury St., Suite 1700 Raleigh, NC 27601 | Phone: 919-856-5460 | Fax: 919-856-5467 HOURS . When an individual has received his/her notary commission notice from the Secretary of State’s office, the individual has within 45 days to visit the Register of Deeds office to take the notary oath of office. Each of the nearly 900,000 property parcels within the county boundaries have their own unique history archived at this location. All other filings are filed with the North Carolina Secretary of State’s Office. Property Tax Information. Find 3 listings related to Register Of Deeds in Monroe on NC Register of Deeds Offices: County: County Web Site Document Access GIS: Tax: Chamber: Alamance Phone: 336-570-6565 Fax: 336-570-6562 PO Box 837 118 W Harden St Graham, NC … The mission of the Register of Deeds is to act as legal custodian of all land titles and all land transaction documents in Durham County. We advise you to consult an attorney if you have any legal questions. The care, maintenance and access to these records are governed by law. Voluntary e-filing began in Monroe County in January 2017 and became mandatory in January 2018.) 500 North Main Street, Monroe, NC 28112 Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, Septic Systems, Wells, & Water Protection. We accept money orders, cash or credit card payments. Description. Omega K. Jarman, Registrar See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Register Of Deeds Office locations in Monroe, NC. The Register of Deeds office provides a standardized, permanent record of real estate ownership and transfers in Union County. Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Recording Hours Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Payment Types Accepted for Real Estate Recordings Cash, Check or Money Order We are unable to supply legal forms, provide instructions on drafting or completing forms, or answer questions regarding the legal consequences of instruments filed. O. If parents are married, please contact the Register of Deeds office at 704-283‐3610. Phone (608) 269-8716. Documents related to real estate transactions are recorded, indexed, and managed in the Register of Deeds Office. Dare County Justice Center 962 Marshall C. Collins Drive Room 165A Manteo, NC 27954. Dare County Justice Center 962 Marshall C. Collins Drive Room 165A Manteo, NC 27954. The Nash County Register of Deeds Office has real estate records dating back to 1777. Pamela G. Britt, Register Contact the Union County Office of the Register of Deeds if you would like to find vital records, such as birth, death, marriage, divorce, and real estate records. Box 248 Monroe, NC 28111, Email: crystal.gilliard@unioncountync.govPhone: 704-283-3794, Register of Deeds OfficePhone: 704-283-3843. Register of Deeds Union County 500 N. Main St. 2nd Floor Suite 258 Monroe, NC 28112 phone: 704-283-3843 fax: 704-283-3569 . Documents are recorded 8:00 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Directions. The services they offer for the amount of $83.00 may be obtained from the Register of Deeds Office for a nominal fee of … Register of Deeds Macon County Courthouse 5 West Main Street Franklin, NC 28734 (828)349-2097 Guilford County Register of Deeds office mission is to record, preserve, maintain, and provide access to real estate and vital records in an effective and efficient … The Register of Deeds office issues certified birth and death certificates, marriage licenses and military discharges. You will need to provide an early school record for proof of the correct spelling of the name. If you would like to pay by personal check, please include your phone number and a copy of your Driver's License. We will accept your completed application for a new passport and forward it to the Passport Services section of the U.S. Department of State for an issuance determination. We currently use the following eVendors: The deed lookâup site is ONLY for deeds and plats. Effective July 1, 2001, only UCC’s with fixture will be filed in the local Register of Deeds Office. 704-283-3500 | Contact Us, Authorized agent, attorney or legal representative (proof required). Skip to Main Content Create an Account - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about. Email The Register of Deeds office is open, but in-person services should only be used as a last resort. Welcome to The Cherokee County, North Carolina, bill payment system powered by Paymentus Corporation. Birth and death records are available since October of 1913. You can apply for a birth, death, or marriage certificate in person, online, or by mail.Fees for certified copies are $10.00 each and uncertified copies are $1.00 each. North Carolina Vital Records 1903 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1900 . We suggest that you consult an attorney unless you are familiar with creating legal documents. Payments accepted in person include money order, certified check, business check, or cash. Find Your Register of Deeds. Welcome to the Wayne County Register of Deeds. You will need to contact our eVendors directly to get 704-283-3500 | Contact Us, Aug. 1, 1991, to present...........$2 per thousand, 1969 to July 1991.....................$1 per thousand, Prior to 1968.............................$1.10 per thousand. Crystal D. GilliardRegister of DeedsP. Sanford, NC 27330 (919) 718-4585. North Carolina Vital Records 1903 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1900 . By law, the Register of Deeds is charged with the integrity, completeness, accuracy, and safekeeping of these public records. All information on this site is prepared for the inventory of real property found within Cherokee County. It is the mission of Jackson County Register of Deeds to record, preserve and provide access to the real estate and vital records in an efficient manner, according to NC General Statutes. Get reviews and contact details for each business including videos, opening hours and more. The Beaufort County Register of Deeds serves as custodian and manager of a number of official public records. Deeds from 1777 through 1969 can be accessed by the online record search. Most of the instruments are pertaining to real estate in Lee County. The Cabarrus County Register-Deeds, located in Concord, North Carolina is a centralized office where public records are recorded, indexed, and stored in Cabarrus County, NC. Select from a list of counties that currently support Electronic Recording (eRecording) and the type of documents they are accepting in their county. To obtain a marriage license or be sworn-in as a notary public, you must come in person. The Register of Deeds Office serves as custodian and manager of public records and is governed by the General Statutes of North Carolina. That includes, but is not limited to, recording Deeds, Deeds of Trust, Assumed Business Names, and more. Our office records deeds, deeds of trust, cancellations, plats, assumed names, powers of attorney and other miscellaneous documents related to real estate. In order to confirm data accuracy, the Verified field must read “Yes” for each record. Contact the Union County Office of the Register of Deeds if you would like to find vital records, such as birth, death, marriage, divorce, and real estate records. B Whiteville, NC 28472 Our mailing address is: PO Box 1086 Whiteville, NC 28472 (910)-640-6625. Mailing Address P.O. Box 248 Monroe, NC 28111 Email: Phone: 704-283-3794. Search for documents online on the Register of Deeds Online Record Search. the register of deeds office is located at 602 anne street in jacksonville. (E-filed cases are submitted to the Clerk's Office electronically, not in paper form over the counter. Our office also records and issues birth certificates, death certificates, marriage certificates, marriage licenses, military discharges, and maintains the records of notary public commissions. We will accept your completed application for a new passport and forward it to the Passport Services section of the U.S. Department of State for an issuance determination. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Our office records deeds, deeds of trust, cancellations, plats, assumed names, powers of attorney and other miscellaneous documents related to real estate. The Register of Deeds is legal custodian of and responsible for recording, indexing, storing and preserving County birth, death and marriage records, veteran discharges, notary public records, subdivision maps, condominium plans, and all land related documents (deeds, deeds of trust, agreements, etc. Our records go back to 1820. Email Lisa Shields. The following is offered: Government - In Monroe there are 15 other Government. The Register of Deeds Office acts as a recording office only. Box 35 Greenville, NC 27835. ADDRESS . Anyone is able to apply for uncertified copies as they are part of the public record. Copies and searches for Land Records are available at Register of Deeds. Registers of Deeds are elected to four-year terms by the citizens of the County the Registrar serves. The Register of Deeds office provides a standardized, permanent record of real estate ownership and transfers in Union County. Register of Deeds Phone: 252.475.5970 Fax: 252.473.5393 Email: Deed name changes require the submittal of a new deed to the Register of Deeds office. Protect against potential property and mortgage fraud by signing up for Cott Property Check alerts. You can also drop off the form at the Vital Records Office in Raleigh between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., Monday–Friday, except on state government holidays. The Register of Deeds serves as the custodian and manager for real estate related documents as well as vital records and DD214s of the county. The Register of Deeds is an elected position with a 4-year term. The purpose of the Recorder of Deeds is to ensure the accuracy of Cabarrus County property and land records and to … The Register of Deeds office provides a standardized, permanent record of real estate ownership and transfers in Burke County. Marriage records are available since 1862. Otherwise, most of our services are available from home. O. Please select a county below for more details (click the … We will provide a level of service to the citizens, legal professionals, and other office users that is exemplary and state of the art for the industry. For Technical Support, Contact: Permitium Software Email: Phone: (855) 642-2453 The Register of Deeds is excited to announce that as of Monday, May 7, 2018, our office is a Certified Passport Acceptance Facility. The request must be signed by the individual making the request. The Register of Deeds serves as custodian and manager of a large number of public records. Our office records deeds, deeds of trust, cancellations, plats, assumed names, powers of attorney and other miscellaneous documents related to real estate. Wake County Register of Deeds information page. OUR MAILING ADDRESS IS 109 OLD BRIDGE ST., JACKSONVILLE, NC 28540. 8:00 to 5:00 M-F. Union county register of deeds in Monroe, North carolina contains a Passport Acceptance Facility providing important passport services for US citizens. Follow US 601 South through Concord. Our office also records and issues birth certificates, death certificates, marriage certificates, marriage licenses, military discharges, and maintains the records of notary public commissions. Kandance H. Bullock, Register of Deeds. Quick Links. FAQ / Help - Click here to find out more information about the Wake County Register of Deeds. No mortgage information is available online. Please be advised that National Deed Service, Inc.or any other Deed Service is NOT affiliated with the Monroe County Register of Deeds Office. Register of Deeds, Ronald N. Wyatt The Register of Deeds Office accepts only CASH or CHECKS for Real Estate transactions. To search for a property by address, Please contact the tax assessor's office at 704-283â3746. Monroe County Register of Deeds The Register of Deeds is responsible for recording all your legal documents. The Register of Deeds office is open to serve the public from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each week day. Phone: (704) 283-3727 The Register of Deeds Office records all land transactions, birth, deaths, and marriages that occur in Avery County. Copies of survey maps are recorded in the Register of Deeds office. Register of Deeds The Register of Deeds office serves as custodian for various public records by recording and preserving deeds, deeds of trust, powers of attorney, plats and various other legal documents. Real Estate records are available by hard copy or online. HOURS . Operation Hours for the Public Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. For further information, you may reach this office at their website,, or via … We are committed to be the best organization, a role model, by using the most advanced technology and innovative business practices. We provide numerous services to the working community and general public and are committed to serving our customers in an efficient and professional manner. Copyright | Website Privacy Policy | Accessibility, Union County Government Center Select from a list of counties that currently support Electronic Recording (eRecording) and the type of documents they are accepting in their county. All data is compiled from recorded deeds, plats, and other public records and data. Box 248 Monroe, NC 28111 Email: Phone: 704-283-3794. Payments accepted in person include money order, certified check, business check, or cash. set up. By providing courteous, professional and excellent service, we will exceed the expectations of the citizens we serve. The fee is $10.00 to administer the oath. ... Greenville, NC 27835. Register of Deeds Notice. I am proud to be elected as your registrar and strive to hold these duties to the utmost standards along with giving you the quality and professional public service in a friendly atmosphere. The Register of Deeds is excited to announce that as of Monday, May 7, 2018, our office is a Certified Passport Acceptance Facility. Both parents need to go together with picture ID. The Register of Deeds office provides a standardized, permanent record of real estate ownership and transfers in Union County. Find 2 listings related to Register Of Deeds Office in Monroe on Register of Deeds Notice. Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, Septic Systems, Wells, & Water Protection. Union County Register of Deeds 500 N Main St, #239 By law, the Register of Deeds is charged with the integrity, accuracy, and safekeeping of these public records. The Register of Deeds Office is provided for in the general statutes of North Carolina. If requesting a copy by mail, please send a $10.00 check or money order along with a self addressed stamped envelope to the Caldwell County Register of Deeds. Quick Links. The mission of the Register of Deeds is to act as legal custodian of all land titles and all land transaction documents in Durham County. (Additional fee is charged if paying by credit card). Address 202 South K. Street Room # 2 Sparta, WI 54656. The Register of Deeds office administers Notary Public oaths to Moore County notaries. If the child is under school age, you may need to provide hospital record or immunization record. If you cannot visit our office you may obtain a certified copy by mail. Physical Address View Map 75 Peachtree Street Suite 126-A Murphy, NC 28906. Crystal D. GilliardRegister of DeedsP. The Forsyth County Register of Deeds office continues to operate under normal business hours 8am - 5pm Monday through Friday. If the parents are not married, they will need to have an affidavit of parentage filled out at the Health Department. The Register of Deeds is charged with the integrity, completeness, accuracy, and safekeeping of these records. Box 248 Monroe, NC 28111, Email: crystal.gilliard@unioncountync.govPhone: 704-283-3794, Register of Deeds OfficePhone: 704-283-3843. DIRECTIONS TO MONROE CITY HALL 300 West Crowell Street, Monroe NC 28112 704-282-4500 From the north: Take Exit 58 (US 601 South) from I-85. The information in our office is public record. Iredell County Register of Deeds Statesville Office 211 Constitution Ln Statesville, NC 28677 Phone: 704-872-7468 Fax: 704-878-5426 Mooresville Office 610 E Center Avenue Suite 101 Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone: 704-663-4533 Fax: 704-878-5426 Hours: (Except Holidays) Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - … Phone: Register of Deeds. Physical Address View Map 75 Peachtree Street Suite 126-A Murphy, NC 28906. ). North Carolina Association of Registers of Deeds > Find Your Register of Deeds. Register of Deeds P. O. Customers are asked to request copies of birth, death, and marriage license certificates online or by mail at When the office is open, the public may search the public records from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the vault area. The Register of Deeds land records system is nameâbased. The Register of Deeds office is open, but in-person services should only be used as a last resort. 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