reunification assessment framework

However, Denmark requires an integration capacity assessment for children over 8 years, whilst in Germany such a requirement applies to children over 16 years. The Return Home Assessment must be finalised at this point and signed off by the Team Manager. When a child is returned home, the ‘Outcome section’ is completed and the work saved and closed. Assessment and Management Process related to the in-home and out-of-home care processes to assist the transfer of knowledge gained from training to actual casework practice. Introduction to the Manual. If an outcomes tool has been used through the process, this should also be carried out again once 6 months post reunification. If approval is granted, the Service Delivery Manager will record a Case Decision on the child’s Mosaic record. In addition, the Team Manager identifies who will carry out the Analytical Chronology. Number of Pages: 65. assessment_of_recruitment_framework_of_peas_english.pdf . (A) The public children services agency (PCSA) shall complete the JFS 01404 "Comprehensive Assessment Planning Model - I.S., Reunification Assessment" (rev. This chapter sets out the process social work practitioners should follow when deciding whether a child looked after can return home to live with parents or those others who have parental responsibility. The Social Worker should signpost the family to universal and targeted services as required. The primary aim of placement with parents is to test out reunification and children should not remain under placement with parents regulations for longer than is necessary. 2011, Farmer et al. reunification which underpin the Framework (assessment, informed evidenced decision-making, planning, support and follow up) reflect good social work and are likely to be relevant when thinking about all children returning home. But the truth is that assessment plays an important role in every phase of our work, from intake through adoption. A meeting should take place to plan for reunification and will include the assessing (and allocated) Social Worker, the allocated Team Manager, the current care giver, the parents, and those involved with the working with the child as part of the Team around the Child. It also informs and supports work with children and their families throughout the reunification process and following a child’s return home. The case decision is copied to the main chronology, the Social Worker, the Advanced Practitioner and the Service Delivery Manager as appropriate. If the outcome is that the risk remains low, the plan should continue. Le président Borrell a parlé de la réunification de l'Europe. An Assessment Planning meeting should take place which will set the timetable for the reunification actions to follow. As part of the assessment, a Police check should be carried out for any member of the household over the age of 16, any extended family members and any regular known visitors to the parental home and exploration of any protective and risk factors that need exploration. Support services that form part of the plan should continue for at least 12 months post reunification. Introduction. Children who are subject to Section 38 Interim Care Orders Children Act 1989. Once the child has been home for 6 months or the child has returned to being in care during this period, the outcome must be recorded on the Reunification Monitoring Form on Mosaic. Authorities decide to turn them, to see this domain adds value will show the questions. Working with the family, caseworkers examine such variables as whether the safety issues that resulted in out-of-home placement have been addressed, … What is the reunification framework? N.B. In response to this, the NSPCC developed the Taking Care practice framework: an evidence-informed risk assessment and planning framework for use by local authority social workers when deciding whether a child can be returned home. Chapter III: Managing Child Safety In and Out of Home (PDF - 461 KB) State of Oregon Department of Health and Safety Outlines issues that a caseworker should assess when decided to return a child to a home from which he or she was removed. For children who are subject to an Interim or Full Care Order, the Social Worker will need to request Emergency Placement with Parents approval from the Service Delivery Manager. This will send a notification to them, not a further episode. The Social Worker will record this information on the Reunification Monitoring Form. Training on analytical chronologies is built in to the training for Social Workers on Chronologies. The date when the work to develop the Return Home Assessment started should be recorded on the Reunification Monitoring Form on Mosaic and the date the assessment was completed. It is essential that robust planning takes place to ensure that the actions required as part of the reunification framework are carried out, that all the relevant people are consulted, included and kept up to date; and there is no unnecessary delay built into the process. The evaluation involved interviews with a senior manager in three participating local authorities and questionnaires with practitioners and managers. Clearly, if concerns increase and risks do not reduce alternative permanence plans must be in put in place. The chronologist must be an experienced social work practitioner with the skills and knowledge necessary to carry out the task. informed Practice Framework for Reunification, to implement it and to evaluate how likely it was to improve reunification practice.2 The project was timely since a number of UK studies had been published which had shed light on reunification and the factors associated with success (Wade et al. Reunification From Foster Care in Nine States 1990-1997: Description and Interpretation This resource is a framework for planning and undertaking the reunification of children to their parents following a period of living out of home. The “What is working well” column of the Collaborative Assessment and Planning (CAP) Framework is used to document examples of actions of protection and belonging, as well as strengths and resources within the family. In response to this, the NSPCC developed the Taking Care practice framework: an evidence-informed risk assessment and planning framework for use by local authority social workers when deciding whether a child can be returned home. The address type is `home address’ as they are no longer looked after. Recognising this issue, the NSPCC has worked closely with local authority teams to test and develop an evidence-based framework called the Reunification Practice Framework. The Social Worker will provide an update for the review and to the Placement Service if appropriate (where children are cared for by Independent Foster carers or external residential placements in order to ensure adequate notice is given to providers). If the level of risk is confirmed as Low or Medium, the decision will be made to progress with the plan for reunification. Throughout the reunification activity all the usual statutory processes and actions for a Child Looked After must be followed. The outcome of Risk Classification 2 and Decision 3 will be communicated to the parents, the child or young person and the current care giver. The Social Worker will record the start and finish dates for the assessment on the Renunciation Monitoring Form on Mosaic. The chronologist will seek to bring out the underlying reasons for the parents’ difficulties. Leeds Children’s Services have adopted the Department for Education, NSPCC and University of Bristol Reunification Practice Framework. When sharing the decision with the child or young person, the Young Person’s Report and the Accessible Risk Classification Table should be used. The framework can apply to: Cases will be eligible when a child has recently come into care as well as when a child has been in care for longer and the possibility of reunification is being considered. It may be appropriate to liaise with the Trusted Adult about this. If reunification is a significant change of plan from the care plan e.g. If the child is voluntarily accommodated under Section 20 Children Act 1989, care proceedings should be considered and a plan for an alternative permanent placement should be made. These decisions would be made by the court with the child’s timeframe in mind. The Reunification Practice Framework was developed by the NSPCC, in partnership with the University of Bristol, to support social workers' professional judgement and decision making about if and how a child should return home. Visits that are both announced and unannounced by the Social Worker will take place at a frequency no less than the statutory requirement. Foster carers and key workers often have more contact with birth families and they may identify reunification as a possibility. As families make progress toward reunification, it is important child welfare agencies, courts, and other service providers work across disciplines to assess the family's strengths and needs to determine when it is safe and appropriate to return a child home. Aside from foster parent mentoring and family group planning, it appears that these agencies are doing very little differently post-ASFA to enhance assessment or services to improve the likelihood of reunification within the shorter timeframe. The Social Worker will record on the Reunification Monitoring Form whether the reunification plan was agreed at Permanence Panel, and as required if Placement with Parents regulations been adhered to; and the date of panel. Where the plan is to actively proceed with reunification, overnight contact with parents (over 24 hours) should start or increase. For non-complex cases or one-off referrals, the form Initial Assessment Record should be used. Our highly experienced consultants can greatly assist in planning and decision making in the best interests of the child having taken into account the child’s ascertainable views. The NSPCC commissioned the Centre for Child and Family Research to undertake an independent evaluation of the Taking Care framework. Framework) and take into account the child’s best interests, attachments, developmental needs, the assessment of harm and future risk, and parental capacity. The date when the work to develop the chronology started should be recorded on the Reunification Monitoring Form on Mosaic and the date the chronology was completed. This resource is a framework for planning and undertaking the reunification of children to their parents following a period of living out of home. Any reasons for the child not returning home or staying at home with their family should be recorded on the form. The framework incudes: assessment; analysis of risk and protective factors; analysis of parental capacity to sustain change; decision making; planning; and support for reunification. The Taking Care practice framework is designed to provide a more robust assessment and decision-making process and also to inform and support work with children and families throughout the reunification process, including once a child has returned home. Reunification: An Evidence-Informed Framework for Return Home Practice. informed Practice Framework for Reunification, to implement it and to evaluate how likely it was to improve reunification practice.2 The project was timely since a number of UK studies had been published which had shed light on reunification and the factors associated with success (Wade et al. The meeting should include the assessing (and allocated) Social Worker, the Team Manager, the current care giver, the parents and the Team around the Child and the placement service to discuss support package needed) and the young person depending on their age and understanding. If the outcome is that the risks have increased, there should be a case discussion with the Service Delivery Manager. The Service Delivery Manager must record a case decision on the child’s record. The purpose of the analytical chronology is to analyse the case history, focusing on the risk and protective factors associated with the child returning home and evidence of parental capacity to change. Assessment Questionnaire doc. The Ontario Child Protection Tools Manual (2016) provides a set of required instruments designed to assist Ontario child protection workers in their assessment and screening of situations in which a child is alleged to be in need of protection. The child’s plan should be updated accordingly. The chronologist could be a Social Worker or and Advanced Practitioner from the same or another social work team, an Independent Reviewing Officer, a Child Protection Conference Chair or a social work manager from another team. The Social Worker should record Risk Classification 1 and Decision 2 on the Reunification Monitoring form on Mosaic. This may involve interviewing those with direct knowledge of the child and family. Reunification Viability Assessing the readiness of a child to return home to a parent’s care is a sensitive and detailed piece of assessment, which requires considerable clinical expertise. It is important to note that the framework is not intended to be used as a checklist but instead consists of themes to consider. Complete the fields. The aim of the meeting is to review the existing plan and to agree any transition planning needed, confirm roles and responsibilities, decide whether a review Family Group Conference is needed and to set key timescales for reunification. Template Guidance The guidance given in this template is not necessarily meant to be part of the final plan Once the child or young person has been home for at least 6 months, and the outcome of Risk Classification 3 is that the risk continues to be low, the Social Worker should start to discuss with the Team Manager the timing in talking to legal services and making an application to the court to rescind the care order. President Borrell goes on about the reunification of Europe. Detailed definitions for assessment items increase the likelihood that caseworkers assess all families using a similar framework. Following Decision 1 – to explore the possibility of reunification, the Team Manager will identify who will carry out the Return Home Assessment. Beginning shortly after the capacity assessment resource and she was very agitated when in their parents Situational changes need to orchard house fell just select the families. At point of the child returning home, the Social Worker should update the child’s legal status accordingly on the Legal Status page. With the need to achieve reunification more quickly, there is a need for tools to enhance efforts to reunify families within the timeframes. It is critical that assessment of the risk and protective factors and analysis of parental capacity to sustain changes are seen as continuous live activities throughout the entire process. If the outcome of the previous SDQ was a non-low score, the subsequent SDQ should be at 6 months. Before any further action, the Social Worker must discuss this possibility in supervision with the allocated Team Manager. Evaluation of the Reunification Practice Framework and its effectiveness in improving the success of the reunification of children with their parents after a child has been looked after. We call this reunification. The Social Worker will work with the child and the parents about this decision. The Social Worker should check that each section has been completed and the section completed buttons ticked. This role of chronologist should not be allocated to a practitioner that is familiar with the case. developed the Taking Care practice framework for use by local authority social workers to strengthen the assessment and decision-making process when deciding whether a child can be returned home. The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) should continue to be carried out at a frequency no less than the statutory minimum. This is important as we must take every precaution possible to make sure we are not sending children into a potentially risky situation. Family tracing and reunification needs considerable investment of time and resources that allow us to carry out the process in a careful and sensitive manner. The Framework therefore aims to fill a gap in current practice guidance for practitioners in England. This information is then used to help us understand the nature of the family's strengths, needs, … reunification as part of the Children in Care research priority (Department for Education, 2014b). If previously assessed as Medium Risk, there may be no changes at this point given the short timescales involved and reunification back home can continue with an appropriate support plan in place. Reunification is considered the best option for children leaving residential care—but only if and when it is deemed safe and appropriate after thorough child and family assessment. family reunification between the 25 EU Member States plus Norway, and to provide up-to-date information on the latest developments in this area of legal migration to Europe since 2011 onwards. The Social Worker will record the date of when child actual returned home on the Reunification Monitoring Form on Mosaic. Risk Classification 2 will involve reviewing evidence of the parents’ ability to make and sustain change over the identified period to be monitored. Social work involvement will continue at a minimum until the parents have sustained a classification of low risk for at least 6 months following the child or young person returning home. Reunification Viability Assessing the readiness of a child to return home to a parent’s care is a sensitive and detailed piece of assessment, which requires considerable clinical expertise. If the outcome of Risk Classification 2 is that the risk is now Severe an alternative plan for permanence must be put in place as reunification will no longer be an option. Record an address change from the date the child or young person returned to parents and their looked after period ended. WHO: Social and community workers referring a child for assessment or a service, and those undertaking the assessment of a child and/or family. Overview . Although not all themes will have equal weight in a child or young person’s situation, the Assessment Framework provides practitioner with guidance to ensure the It can also be used for training purposes. Creating the placement end form. North Dakota’s new Safety Framework Practice Model will: •Increase consistency in our practice, •Provide a clear definition of safety, •Establish set criteria for removal and reunification, and •Identify and build protective capacities in parents and caregivers Support will be provided by the Team around the Child as set out in the reunification plan. Please note: Rule 5101:2-37-04 is being proposed for amendment due to five year rule review. If the level of risk is confirmed as Severe, the possibility of abuse or neglect is too high to permit a return home. NSPCC Reunification Framework. The importance of support for parents and children before and after return home, Structured professional judgement and best practice in social work, The crucial role of the team manager in case supervision, Communicate the next steps with the child, Hold a Family Group conference as required, Increase time child spends with the birth family and work towards a gradual return home, documents will be prepared to present at Permanence Panel, Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), Department for Education, NSPCC and University of Bristol Reunification Practice Framework, Reunification Practice Framework and Guidance. It draws together the key messages from reunification research into a practical guide to support practitioners working with children and families in and on the edges of the looked after system. At a minimum, a Team around the Child meeting should be held to review the parental goals and the support provided to help reduce the risk to low again. If not implementing the full framework, it still contains many useful tools for better planning and understanding the needs of the child and family during a reunification. The Reunification Monitoring Form is an episode and as such, any relevant documents generated throughout the reunification activity must be uploaded to the episode. The goals, support and services will be identified through the assessment (both in the early stages and when planning the reunification). Family members often request reunification and this framework gives a clear evidence base as to whether this is feasible. Le président Borrell a parlé de la réunification de l'Europe. Introduction to the Manual. As families make progress toward reunification, it is important child welfare agencies, courts, and other service providers work across disciplines to assess the family's strengths and needs to determine when it is safe and appropriate to return a child home. Legal Framework and Strategic Considerations A paper by Stephanie A. Motz Centre Suisse pour la Défense des Droits des Migrants (CSDM) Published with the support of the UNHCR Office for Switzerland and Liechtenstein October 2017. The framework supports practitioners and managers to apply structured professional judgement to decisions about whether and how a child should return home from care. Social Workers should exercise professional judgement in relation to timescales when looking at sustained parental change. Year: 2016. deciding whether to reunify a child with their parents and completing the family reunification assessment deciding whether a case can be closed. In response to this, the NSPCC developed the Taking Care practice framework: an evidence-informed risk assessment and planning framework for use by local authority social workers when deciding whether a child can be returned home. Georgina Maisey ; 20 November 2018 Posted in: Healthcare ; Returning home to a parent or relative is the most common outcome for children in care, accounting for one third (32%) of cases where children leave the care system (DfE, 2017). In the Relevant Placement Information field enter `Returned to live with parents under placed with parent regulations’. 2011, Farmer et al. However, research has shown that many returns home breakdown and children can experience further maltreatment which results with the children subsequently being taken back into care. The Taking Care practice framework is designed to provide a more robust assessment and decision-making process and also to inform and support work with children and families throughout the reunification process, including once a child has returned home. This policy emphasises the need for early decision-making and planning when working towards reunification in order to achieve permanency and stability for a child in care. assessment_of_recruitment_framework_of_peas_english.pdf Description: Moreover, detailed analysis of the sector will serve to develop recommendations on the ethical recruitment standards for Albanian public and private employment agencies. The Practice Approach is focused on children and young people’s physical, emotional and cultural safety during all phases of work, and consists of practice elements and elements that support best practice. Team around the Child meetings will take place at 3 months post reunification between Looked After Reviews or Pathway Plan reviews which continue to take place at every 6 months. It is essential that the form is completed and saved so that performance reports reflect all the reunifications that have taken place and that any learning derived from reports is maximised. This outcome creates a change of plan decision episode. The Practice Approach is focused on children and young people’s physical, emotional and cultural safety during all phases of work, and consists of practice elements and elements that support best practice. Any withdrawal of support should be tapered and gradual. FAMILY REUNIFICATION WITH THIRD COUNTRY NATIONAL SPONSORS IN BELGIUM Co-funded by the European Union European Migration Network National Contact Point Belgium STUDY OF THE BELGIAN CONTACT POINT OF THE EUROPEAN MIGRATION NETWORK (EMN) July 2017 This report was co-funded by the European Union’sAsylum, Migration and Integration Fund. Half way through the development of the Return Home Assessment, the Social Worker and the Team Manager should meet for a mid-point supervision to discuss the draft Return Home Assessment and the chronology. If the risk remains high for 6 months, the risk should be reclassified as Severe Risk. The Social Worker will meet with the child and see them alone and use the Accessible Risk Classification Table (Traffic light tool) to explain the purpose and rationale behind the assessment. Complete the fields and click Save. 22 Reunification: An Evidence-Informed Framework for Return Home Practice. In many Member States (e.g. The Taking Care practice framework is designed to provide a more robust assessment and decision-making process and also to inform and support work with children and … For children formerly subject to Section 20 Children Act 1989, the first review after returning home will be chaired by the Independent Reviewing Officer; then subsequent reviews will be undertaken by the Team Manager or the Social Worker as part of the Child in Need plan depending on the status of the child. 2011, Farmer and Lutman 2012; see also Brandon and Thoburn 2008, Ward et al. This can often be an incredibly important step in helping to rebuild families. The Social Worker will have a case discussion with the allocated Team manager and agree a reclassification of risk to recommend to the Service Delivery Manager with a recommendation to proceed with or with not for reunification as the plan for the child or young person. If progress is positive, this will be reflected in a reduction of the level of likelihood of repeat maltreatment for a child. The legal status remains unchanged. 4 Le Conseil européen adopte les mesures transitoires décidées dans le cadre de l'unification allemande. Framework) and take into account the child’s best interests, attachments, developmental needs, the assessment of harm and future risk, and parental capacity. The main rationale for this approach is that the Assessment Framework (ibid) comprehensively captures accepted knowledge and best understanding about the range of influences on child development, and provides a concise conceptual model that is accessible and comprehensive for practitioners to use. 4 The European Council adopts the transitory measures agreed upon within the framework of German reunification. • The Framework can … every time, regardless of social differences. NSPCC Reunification Practice Framework Guidance; Children who are accommodated by the local authority under Section 20 Children Act 1989; Children who are subject to Section 31 Care Orders Children Act 1989; and. The Social Worker should record the outcome of Risk Classification 3 on the Reunification Monitoring Form on Mosaic. NSPCC-Reunification Practice Framework. Reunification Assessment Tool Souhila Benketira Meg Fraser Nicole Tuzi Critique Case study strengths & Weaknesses Reliability & Validity Standardized Allows for professional discretion References Ministry of Children and Youth Services (2007). Description: The study was undertaken to evaluate the compliance of the regulatory framework of Private Employment Agencies (PEAs) in … minutes; Social work case records including child protection records. The chronology should be presented as a critical analysis of these themes in the family’s history, and not a list of events. The comprehensive family assessment is a useful framework for understanding assessment in child welfare. Equally, if the reunification work concludes because the plan for reunification is no longer being pursued, the Reunification Monitoring form ‘Outcome section’ must be completed and the work saved and closed. 2011, Farmer and Lutman 2012; see also Brandon and Thoburn 2008, Ward et al. When considering whether reunification is a possibility for the child, social work practitioners should refer to the Reunification Practice Framework Guidance document which contains a wealth of research, tools and practice guidance. The MGI is not meant to rank countries on the design or implementation of migration policies, but rather to be a framework to help countries in the assessment of the comprehensiveness of their migration policies, as well as to identify gaps and areas that could be strengthened. Tilo Schabert, Mitterrand et la réunification allemande. If child was accommodated under Section 20 Children Act 1989 before reunification, incorporate the actions and goals should be incorporated into the child’s plan which should become the Child in Need plan. Children Act 1989 leeds children ’ s Report can be used when communicating this with plan... Have adopted the Department for Education, NSPCC and University of Bristol Practice! 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