how to prune fittonia

Red nerve plant (Fittonia verschaffeltii) is a low-growing, herbaceous perennial with shiny olive-green, red-veined leaves. A creeping plant with leaves of white, red, green or pink veins and small white flowers. Fittonia Plant Care & Watering Guide Watering your fittonia. Cultivated for its attractive, variegated foliage, it is generally grown as a houseplant. 6 Fun Virtual Team Building Activities To Try During WFH! This pretty little indoor plant adds a distinctive touch to your home decor. It is commonly known as nerve plant or mosaic plant, growing to 6 to 12 inches tall, with lush green leaves with accented veins of white to deep pink and a short fuzz covering its stems. They come in a number of varieties ranging from being white in color to red in color. After all, cuttings can usually be used to propagate or start new plants. The deeply veined leaves of fittonia albivenis have a trailing habit, which lets them spill over the edges of a pot or basket container.. By pruning the plant like this, you avoid legginess and you obtain an attractive specimen. This means Fittonia isn’t naturally exposed to the direct sun rays, but it certainly doesn’t survive in the dark. Step 1: Begin with top down visual inspection of your fittonias. Unlike our workshops where we provide process oriented hands on learning experiences with regards to terrarium making, we will now go through in much greater detail, about the pruning process for the fittonia plant-variety! Make the cut at the underside of the branch. House plant care guide for pretty Fittonia plant. The cut must be sharp and clean. Pruning Fittonia. You can avoid plants getting leggy and lanky by pinching them. Enable bright indirect sunlight conditions. Fittonia leaves will wilt very quickly if they do not have a … Origins. Normally grown as a houseplant, nerve plant (Fittonia spp.) Thus they have grown accustomed to hot and humid climates – on how do fittonias thrive (back link to previous blog). Itll help with moisture loss. You should trim the leaves by cutting them in half. Pruning Fittonia – These are a reasonably fast growing plant, to maintain a bushy compact habit, tip prune as required. It probably needs more water. But this made me wonder what we should do with the cuttings. Nip the flower spike at its origin. Favorable chemical environmental conditions. Keep in mind that new growth only emerges at the tip end of each stem so how far back you prune will determine where new growth will come in. Remove small flower spikes as well. Do not allow to dry completely as your Fittonia … Keep the spider mites away by misting the plant regularly with warm water. Fittonia (Nerve Plant) You need to prune the leaf tips aggressively to keep the plant full and prevent a fast growing Nerve Plant from becoming leggy. As the plant grows, its lower part is exposed, which affects its decorative effect. Interested in designing and making your very own terrarium? Fittonia argyroneura, also known as the mosaic plant, is a perennial that grows to 12 inches high. In the Fittonia Albivenis growth period, we should timely trim off the bud at the top, long blade, which can control Fittonia Albivenis height, make the nutrients in the soil together, and make its luxuriant has ornamental value. If the yellow leaves are found, they need to be cut in time, which can also reduce the consumption of soil nutrients and enable them to grow better in the basin and soil. Using your other hand’s thumb and index finger, a pair of scissors, or sharp knife, pinch off the tip of the stem right above a set of leaves or node. Usually when pruning Fittonia Albivenis, try not to do it on wet or rainy days, otherwise the bacteria in the air will easily infect the wound. This takes anywhere from two to eight weeks. The new buds on the top of Fittonia Albivenis and the leaves that grow too long should be pruned in time, which can effectively control the height of Fittonia Albivenis and make its growth more exuberant and more ornamental. Another occasion for trimming Chinese evergreens comes in the spring if the plant produces flowers. Trim some branches back by a quarter, others by a half, and still others all the way back to their base. 2, Pick Fittonia Albivenis heart in the growth period, Winter farming method of Fittonia Albivenis, Diseases, insect pests and control methods of Fittonia Albivenis, Solutions to leaf rot and shrivel of Echeveria Runyonii, Common diseases and control methods of Echeveria Runyonii, Common plant diseases of Duranta Repens L, Winter maintenance of Cyclamen persicum Mill, Solution for Cyclamen persicum Mill having spiders, Pests and control methods of Cyclamen persicum Mill, How to maintain Cyclamen persicum Mill bulb in summer, Causes of leaf yellowing and treatment of Cyclamen persicum Mill, How to grow and care Sansevieria Trifasciata indoors, Grow anything container gardening tips & techniques, Introduction of the ultra-low-volume sprayer, Precautions for purchasing the pruning saw. To promote branching, pinch off the ends of stems. Fittonias are also known as nerve plants due to the exotic nerve like patterns on their leaves. Some people also advise removing flower spikes. Fittonia is a charming houseplant, but suffers severely from dehydration in the winter months. Did you find this helpful? Since this is a tropical plant and only hardy to zone 11, it is grown in most areas as a houseplant. Just to give you an example of the differences in aesthetics of a well pruned pot of fittonia as compared to an unpruned pot of fittonia: Notice that the unpruned pot seems much more disorderly with stray stems sticking out of the heard as compared to the pruned pot where the fittonia leaves are equally and uniformly distributed. Dosent get as leggy. Pruning is the art of trimming away diseased or overgrown stems and branches. Every time after sowing, cutting, plant separation and other methods are used to propagate Fittonia Albivenis, when the seedlings of Fittonia Albivenis need to grow out 3 ~ 4 leaves, remove the bud just germinated on the top, or pick a leaf from it, which can resist the growth of the seedlings of Fittonia Albivenis and promote the germination of excessive buds. The veins that mark its leaves are very prominent and depending on the variety are either white or red. Fittonia is a very cute indoor plant, noted for the beauty of its foliage. To rejuvenate the Bush, it is cut in the last days of March. Photo: Simply wipe them with alcohol. Any spent flower spikes should also be … Feed as recommended for tropical houseplants per the instructions of your fertilizer brand. Nerve plants grow well at room temperature and are ideally suited for the home environment. Pests and Pruning The fittonia is prone to spider mites and mealy bugs. Trim the branches off at a 45 degree angle. Step 3-4: When pruning a small branch, cut a lateral branch or bud. Nerve plant is a low-growing creeper that is a perfect fit for terrariums or bottle gardens. Although there is no need to disinfect your pruning equipment if they have not been used to cut into diseased areas of your plant, it might still be a good idea to practice regular disinfection of your pruning tools. Try and find the compact form of fittonia. And thus are popular amongst horticulturalists. Step 3-4: When pruning a small branch, cut a lateral branch or bud. The tools used for pruning Fittonia Albivenis also need to be sterilized. When Fittonia Albivenis seedlings commonly grow 3 ~ 4 leaves, we can remove the top of the burgeoning buds. Make the cut at the underside of the branch. Step 2: Identify the secondary branches from the main branch. Fittonia indoor plants do well with bright light, artificial or natural. Pruning is often done to either rid your plant of disease, encourage growth or to achieve a desired form of aesthetic. We can also pick a leaf. To promote the growth of dense, lush foliage, regularly prune your Mosaic Plant. The plant is a native of Peru. Fittonia is a charming houseplant, but suffers severely from dehydration in the winter months. Much like the pink polkadot plant, Nerve Plants can be ‘dramatic’ and will ‘wilt’ or ‘fade’ if a watering session is missed. Fittonia can grow quickly within their desired environment, so pinching off the tips of leggy stems will keep the plant bushy and dense. Fittonias are a variety of garden plants indigenous to the tropical rainforests of South America. Pruning (Step by Step Procedure) Step 1: Begin with top down visual inspection of your fittonias. Prune the leaf tips aggressively to keep the plant full and prevent it from becoming leggy. The Fittonia is a difficult plant to care for in the home. We at Ecoponics conduct regular individual and group terrarium workshops for both corporates and schools. Fittonia Plant Care. It should look like the picture above. is a spreading evergreen with delicately veined, deep-green leaves. It is also recommended to prune away flower spikes as they appear, this is a foliage plant and the flowers are insignificant compared to the foliage. Pinching also makes plants grow even more. How to prune fittonia To improve the branching of the plant, it is necessary to carry out regular pinching of the tops of the stems. When I had mine I watered it when I watered the Peace lily, every 3 days. Share it with your friends! Once you’ve identified that your Fittonia’s foliage is becoming leggy, you can proceed with the pruning process. Prune off any dead leaves in order to keep the houseplant looking its best. Thankfully fittonia plants can be trimmed and pruned in a manner so that they remain bushy. Step 2: Identify the secondary branches from the main branch. Fittonia wouldn’t enjoy the salty or acidic soil. Garden TipsGardenHow to GardeningGrowing HerbsFittonia Albivenis, Did you find this helpful? To control mealy bugs, gently scrape off the white egg masses on the leaves and use a mild soapy solution. To promote the growth of dense, lush foliage, regularly pinch off the ends of any growing stems and nip flower spikes at the base, unless you like look of the little flowers these plants produce. Prune the tips of the nerve plant to create a bushier plant. Trim them off as low as you can by reaching deep into the center of the plant. If your fittonia starts to get leggy, as they often do, trim it back to keep it full and use the cuttings to make more plants or put them back in the pot to keep it full and looking good. I also only use a 3" piece with nodes. “Simply cut the stem at the node and place it in water in a bright, warm space. Pruning and Shaping Fingers are adequate pruning tools for the fittonia, or use small garden snips to remove dead and dying foliage. If practiced properly, it can enhance your plant’s lifespan. This can be done with small garden scissors, or even with your bare hands. During the growth process in spring every year, it also needs to be cored in time. This step is crucial as you wouldn’t want diseases to spread from your pruning tools to other non-diseased plants. Although the most popular vein color is silvery white, you can also readily find varieties with veins in pink, white, and green. Step 1: Decide on a time that is best to prune your plant, preferably at the beginning of the growing season. Basic Steps For Maintenance Pruning Gently hold the stem near the tip’s end where you will be pinching off. To prune a plant to encourage bushy new growth, snip off the dominant buds on select stems, staggering the cuts to encourage varied growth. Think rain forest conditions and treat your Fittonia nerve houseplants accordingly. It needs high humidity, shade but not total (like a North window) and likes to be kept moist. Prune back any crossing branches or branches that grow in toward the middle of a young tree, and cut off lower branches on the trunk as the tree grows to raise the crown. We can also pick a leaf. (Note: Make sure you are familiar with the pruning process before attempting to perform one on your own!). Because they are native to south America (warm and humid climate), they have to be cared for very differently as compared to most other houseplants. They also need bright indirect light When Fittonia Albivenis seedlings commonly grow 3 ~ 4 leaves, we can remove the top of the burgeoning buds. Fittonia lives in the gentle shade of a tall tree in the rainforests. Source: Fittonia after pruning . After the core is removed during the growth process, you can also trim the old leaves of Fittonia Albivenis in time. © Copyright 2020-2021 - ECOPONICS | Website - Iluma Design: Elite Web Services, If you have any queries regarding our products or feedback, please feel free to contact us, The Key Layers in a Terrarium & Their Functions, Getting Rid of Mould in Your Terrarium in 3 Simple Steps, Build your own DIY Terrarium in Singapore. Come participate in our terrarium workshops! Enhancing Team Building Through Terrariums | Ecoponics Singapore, How to Store Your Artwork – Ecoponics Art Jamming Singapore, Experiential Learning – The Importance of Hands On Activities, Terrarium Singapore – Benefits of Having Terrariums in the Classroom. We at Ecoponics organize terrarium making workshops for both individuals and groups. Share it with your friends! Where does fittonia albivenis grow naturally? You can propagate Fittonia by taking stem or leaf cuttings. However, not to fret as a good soaking will ensure that the plant perks right back up. Plant care for Fittonia, a house plant lovers dream. How to Care for a Red Nerve Plant. Prune back half of the longest branches on the plant. How to repot and propagate fittonia with one plant - YouTube Nerve Plant Problems The cut must be sharp and clean. In the Fittonia Albivenis growth period, we should timely trim off the bud at the top, long blade, which can control Fittonia Albivenis height, make the nutrients in the soil together, and make its luxuriant has ornamental value. Alternatively, you can cut a leaf and stick that in water as well,” says Santiago. I ran an experiment and propagated fittonia cuttings in … The flowers are boring and use up resources the plant could be using to grow more attractive foliage. Pinching plants makes them bushier, so they look better and healthier. Sun is this plant's worst enemy, but this tropical plant The fittonia plant was named after sisters Elizabeth and Sarah Mary Fitton, the authors of Conservations on Botany (1817). Nerve Plant (Mosaic Plant) Pruning. Fertilize moderately. Growing, planting and diseases, here are the tips that will help you make it thrive. Cut off the secondary branch several millimeters from the main branch. Use the shears to cut them back about a third of their length. Each pruning should be done in the midday sun, so that the pruning can make the growth flourish. After the growth and colonization, how can Fittonia Albivenis be cored? Pruning Nerve Plants. This way, when the … If there are any side shoots on the branches further down the base of the plant, you can prune a few of these shoots. The leaves are a bit fuzzy too, they dont like misting. The trailing nature of the plant can lead to a straggly appearance. I cut the fittonia and stick it in soil. A little history. And stop fertilizing your fittonia during the winter months. The plant is a native of Peru. In USDA hardiness zone 11, nerve plant is sometimes grown as a creeping ground-cover in filtered sun loca… Tip stem cuttings can be propagated, but not easily. Avoid cutting the leader, or the vertical stem at the very top of the trunk, on a young tree. I put in loose soil and cover with a ziplock or other humidity dome.    , Five kinds of flowers gardening for beginners, How often to water vegetable garden in summer for beginners. The most important pruning tip for Fittonias is to pinch off the ends of growing stems. To dry completely as your Fittonia during the growth of dense, lush foliage, regularly prune your plant. Albivenis in time prune back half of the plant perks right back up: Identify secondary! Not total ( like a North window ) and likes to be sterilized Fittonia ’! Pruning tools to other non-diseased plants stem at the node and place it in water in a bright, space. 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