library of alexandria reddit

[39] There were also numerous classrooms, where the scholars were expected to at least occasionally teach students. The in-game loading screen for the Library The Library of Alexandria is a social hub visited between games where players can group up, Customize their character and classes, use training dummies, or interact with each other using emotes. [66] He also invented the system of Greek diacritics,[67][57] wrote important works on lexicography,[42] and introduced a series of signs for textual criticism. [84] Edward J. Watts argues that Mark Antony's gift may have been intended to replenish the Library's collection after the damage to it caused by Caesar's fire roughly a decade and a half prior. [43] Since the collection at the Library of Alexandria seems to have been organized in alphabetical order by the first letter of the author's name from very early, Casson concludes that it is highly probable that Zenodotus was the one who organized it in this way. However, its architecture is … [136] Completed in 2002, the Bibliotheca Alexandrina now functions as a modern library and cultural center, commemorating the original Library of Alexandria. [4][19] Eventually, for these reasons, every major Hellenistic urban center would have a royal library. [39][41][42][43], The first recorded head librarian was Zenodotus of Ephesus (lived c. 325–c. According to Athenaeus, Philadelphus purchased that collection for a large sum of money, whereas Strabo reported that Aristotle’s books passed on in succession through different hands, until they were later confiscated in 86 bce by Sulla, who carried them away to Rome. Facing the sea on the north, and Alexandria University Complex on its southern side. [118] Theophilus respected Alexandria's political structures and raised no objection to the close ties Hypatia established with Roman prefects. [126] The late fifth-century writers Zacharias Scholasticus and Aeneas of Gaza both speak of the "Mouseion" as occupying some kind of a physical space. [84][78][8][86] The geographer Strabo (c. 63 BC–c. Alexandria was the largest city in the western world at the time, the home of the papyrus industry and the center of the book trade. The Court of Cassation had rejected the cassation appeal against the death sentence issued by the Alexandria Criminal Court in Case No. Athenaeus may be referring to the collection of books that Aristotle had amassed at his school in Athens, which Philadelphus was able to purchase when his former tutor, Straton, was head of the Lyceum. [42][43] Most of what is known about him comes from later commentaries that mention his preferred readings of particular passages. However, modern scholars agree that the Letter of Aristeas is very late, and it contains information that is now known to be inaccurate.. [32] They dispatched royal agents with large amounts of money and ordered them to purchase and collect as many texts as they possibly could, about any subject and by any author. [32] This program involved trips to the book fairs of Rhodes and Athens. [93] Archaeologists have identified lecture halls dating to around this time period, located near, but not on, the site of the Ptolemaic Mouseion, which may be the "Mouseion" to which these writers refer. [116] Like her father, she rejected the teachings of Iamblichus and instead embraced the original Neoplatonism formulated by Plotinus. [108] They gave some of the cult objects to the Christian bishop of Alexandria, Theophilus. [74], In 48 BC, during Caesar's Civil War, Julius Caesar was besieged at Alexandria. Request full-text. Watts. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. [61] According to a legend recorded by the Roman writer Vitruvius, Aristophanes was one of seven judges appointed for a poetry competition hosted by Ptolemy III Euergetes. [44] Each section listed authors in alphabetical order. He required his companions, generals, and scholars to report to him in detail on regions previously unmapped and uncharted. [14] The later kingdoms and empires of the ancient Near East had long traditions of book collecting. [73] Aristarchus's student Dionysius Thrax (c. 170–c. [108] In retaliation, the Christians vandalized and demolished the Serapeum,[109][110] although some parts of the colonnade were still standing as late as the twelfth century. See cards from the most recent sets and discover what players just like you are saying about them. [69], During the early second century BC, several scholars at the Library of Alexandria studied works on medicine. 235 AD), however, writes: "Many places were set on fire, with the result that, along with other buildings, the dockyards and storehouses of grain and books, said to be great in number and of the finest, were burned. For the library of Quebec in Montreal, see, One of the largest libraries in the ancient world, located in Alexandria, Egypt, Nineteenth-century artistic rendering of the Library of Alexandria by the German artist O. [42][64][57] During this phase of the Library's history, literary criticism reached its peak[42][64] and came to dominate the Library's scholarly output. [73] The scholars who had studied at the Library of Alexandria and their students continued to conduct research and write treatises, but most of them no longer did so in association with the Library. [93] It may have possessed some bibliographic resources, but whatever they may have been, they were clearly not comparable to those of its predecessor. [52][47][53] Eratosthenes also produced a map of the entire known world, which incorporated information taken from sources held in the Library, including accounts of Alexander the Great's campaigns in India and reports written by members of Ptolemaic elephant-hunting expeditions along the coast of East Africa. The Greeks were impressed by the achievements of their neighbours, and many Greek intellectuals sought to explore the resources of their knowledge. [65] Aristophanes of Byzantium edited poetic texts and introduced the division of poems into separate lines on the page, since they had previously been written out just like prose. [92], By the second century AD, the Roman Empire grew less dependent on grain from Alexandria and the city's prominence declined further. While the story itself isn’t accurate, it speaks to us today as we face the digital book burnings that are threatening the modern-day Library of… By this art you may contemplate the variation of the 23 letters. The old library of Alexandria was not just a library, it was a cultural learning centre for the arts and philosophy. The Museum was a shrine of the Muses modeled after the Lyceum of Aristotle in Athens. [87][84] Didymus is said to have produced somewhere between 3,500 and 4,000 books, making him the most prolific known writer in all of antiquity. [78] The Caesareum and the Claudianum in Alexandria are both known to have had major libraries by the end of the first century AD. 270 BC). Strabo’s account may be dealing with the personal writings that Aristotle had bequeathed to his successors as heads of the Lyceum, until they were confiscated by Sulla. As the same text often existed in several different versions, comparative textual criticism was crucial for ensuring their veracity. Reddit; Wechat; Abstract. 145 BC) was the sixth head librarian. [90] The scholars who worked and studied at the Library of Alexandria during the time of the Roman Empire were less well known than the ones who had studied there during the Ptolemaic Period. [74] Many scholars began producing syntheses and reworkings of the commentaries of the Alexandrian scholars of previous centuries, at the expense of their own originalities. [42][70], Aristarchus of Samothrace (lived c. 216–c. [111][112][110], The Suda, a tenth-century Byzantine encyclopedia, calls the mathematician Theon of Alexandria (c. AD 335–c. [74] Meanwhile, Alexandrian scholarship was probably introduced to Rome in the first century BC by Tyrannion of Amisus (c. 100–c. [77], The same was evidently the case even for the position of head librarian;[77] the only known head librarian from the Roman Period was a man named Tiberius Claudius Balbilus, who lived in the middle of the first century AD and was a politician, administrator, and military officer with no record of substantial scholarly achievements. [78] The Serapeum, originally the "daughter library" of the Great Library, probably expanded during this period as well, according to classical historian Edward J. ALL ALEXANDRIA LIBRARIES WILL BE CLOSED ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 2021. [57][78][8][82] The Greek Middle Platonist Plutarch (c. 46–120 AD) writes in his Life of Caesar that, "[W]hen the enemy endeavored to cut off his communication by sea, he was forced to divert that danger by setting fire to his own ships, which, after burning the docks, thence spread on and destroyed the great library. The Library of Alexandria (-295 to +646) was the largest library of ancient times.It stood for almost a thousand years. Its empirical standards were applied in one of the first and certainly strongest homes for serious textual criticism. [14][3] A large library also existed in Babylon during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II (c. 605–c. [46] In addition to the Great Library, many other smaller libraries also began to spring up all around the city of Alexandria. [39] According to classical scholar Lionel Casson, the idea was that if the scholars were completely freed from all the burdens of everyday life they would be able to devote more time to research and intellectual pursuits. [33] According to the Greek medical writer Galen, under the decree of Ptolemy II, any books found on ships that came into port were taken to the library, where they were copied by official scribes. Reddit. [48] Some fragments of his scholarly writings have also survived, but he is generally more famous today as a poet than as a scholar. [134] In May 1986, Egypt requested the Executive Board of UNESCO to allow the international organization to conduct a feasibility study for the project. Corbett • 09/18/2020 We all know the story of the Library of Alexandria, the vast repository of ancient texts that was burnt to the ground by Caesar in 48 B.C. Despite the widespread modern belief that the Library of Alexandria was burned once and cataclysmically destroyed, the Library actually declined gradually over the course of several centuries. (2014). The ancient library had about 490,000 scrolls.That comes to about 100,000 of our books or, on a computer, 64 gigabytes. Library of Alexandria, the most famous library of Classical antiquity. [4][5], The Library was one of the largest and most significant libraries of the ancient world, but details about it are a mixture of history and legend. [2] Stephen V. Tracy, however, argues that it is highly probable that Demetrius played an important role in collecting at least some of the earliest texts that would later become part of the Library's collection. The Great Library of Alexandria, in northern Egypt was once the largest of the ancient world, containing the works of Homer, Plato, Euclid, Socrates, Aristotle and hundreds more.Close to one million books and scrolls from across Greece, Assyria, Egypt, Persia and India filled its vast shelves. What the Great Library Was. [26][a] Its main purpose was to show off the wealth of Egypt, with research as a lesser goal,[22] but its contents were used to aid the ruler of Egypt. As a reference library, Alexandria was reportedly unparalleled. See cards from the most recent sets and discover what players just like you are saying about them. Alexandria’s library was not the first the world had ever known. The king thereupon kept the originals and sent back copies, willingly forfeiting the pledge. Corbett • 09/18/2020 We all know the story of the Library of Alexandria, the vast repository of ancient texts that was burnt to the ground by Caesar in 48 B.C. [129], As a research institution, the library filled its stacks with new works in mathematics, astronomy, physics, natural sciences and other subjects. [117] Hypatia was later implicated in a political feud between Orestes, the Roman prefect of Alexandria, and Cyril of Alexandria, Theophilus's successor as bishop. The Library of Alexandria is so embedded in our cultural canon that it remains a broadly known and admired institution. Customers may call 311 or 703-746-4311 to request in-person information or service. [91], Meanwhile, as the reputation of Alexandrian scholarship declined, the reputations of other libraries across the Mediterranean world improved, diminishing the Library of Alexandria's former status as the most prominent. The modern Library of Alexandria doesn’t really live up to its prestige in ancient times – when it comes to rare collections. Only those who have studied for years must know what they want to see and they're timed and supervised The Library of Alexandria (-295 to +646) was the largest library of ancient times.It stood for almost a thousand years. [74][79][b] Other scholars branched out and began writing commentaries on the poetic works of postclassical authors, including Alexandrian poets such as Callimachus and Apollonius of Rhodes. [90] Eventually, the word "Alexandrian" itself came to be synonymous with the editing of texts, correction of textual errors, and writing of commentaries synthesized from those of earlier scholars—in other words, taking on connotations of pedantry, monotony, and lack of originality. Author of. "[30], The Ptolemaic rulers intended the Library to be a collection of all knowledge[28] and they worked to expand the Library's collections through an aggressive and well-funded policy of book purchasing. [57], Furthermore, Plutarch records in his Life of Marc Antony that, in the years leading up to the Battle of Actium in 33 BC, Mark Antony was rumored to have given Cleopatra all 200,000 scrolls in the Library of Pergamum. For other uses, see, "Great Library" redirects here. Occasionally, the library’s collectors bought different versions of the same work—for example, in the Homeric texts that came “from Chios,” “from Sinope,” and “from Massilia.”. [93], It is not possible to determine the collection's size in any era with certainty. 24 AD) mentions visiting the Mouseion, the larger research institution to which the Library was attached, in around 20 BC, several decades after Caesar's fire, indicating that it either survived the fire or was rebuilt soon afterwards. After his fall from power in Athens, Demetrius sought refuge at the court of King Ptolemy I Soter (c. 297 bce) and became the king’s adviser. ), Actes du IIe symposium syro-arabicum (Sayyidat al-Bīr, septembre 1998). Alexandria - Reddit.torrent. King Eumenes II of Pergamum (197-159 BCE), a rival kingdom, competed to accumulate a collection of 200,000 texts, but Alexandria dwarfed his library. The library was part o a museum, which included a garden, a common dining room Glyn Moody - Jun 30, 2016 11:47 am UTC Perhaps one day, in the deserts of Egypt, scrolls that were once part of the great Library of Alexandria will be discovered. [47] Archimedes later returned to Syracuse, where he continued making new inventions. [61][63] The king demanded that he prove this, so he retrieved the texts that the authors had plagiarized from the Library, locating them by memory. The Library of Alexandria was destroyed/heavily damaged at least four times. [93], In 272 AD, the emperor Aurelian fought to recapture the city of Alexandria from the forces of the Palmyrene queen Zenobia. 627 BC). There is literary evidence of Greek individuals visiting Egypt especially to acquire knowledge: e.g., Herodotus, Plato (particularly in Phaedrus and Timaeus), Theophrastus, and Eudoxus of Cnidus (as detailed by Diogenes Laërtius in the 3rd century ce). 250 BC) studied human anatomy, but their studies were hindered by protests against the dissection of human corpses, which was seen as immoral. Built by Ptolemy II Soter, the library was part of an overall house built for the honor of the Muses. Browse through cards from Magic's entire history. [104] For much of the late fourth century AD, the library of the Serapeum was probably the largest collection of books in the city of Alexandria. The Library dwindled during the Roman Period, due to lack of funding and support. The library was designed as a mausoleum for Alexander the Great, but his body never made it there. There is much to see in this library that isn't just limited to the treasure trove of books. [93] Nothing, however, is known about the characteristics of this organization. [124][125] Neoplatonism and paganism both survived in Alexandria and throughout the eastern Mediterranean for centuries after her death. 215 BC), a native of Alexandria and a student of Callimachus, as the second head librarian of the Library of Alexandria. Of languages other than Greek, Egyptian had the largest section. [109] Instead, Theon seems to have rejected the teachings of Iamblichus[115] and may have taken pride in teaching a pure, Plotinian Neoplatonism. [55] A scholar named Ptolemy Epithetes wrote a treatise on wounds in the Homeric poems, a subject straddling the line between traditional philology and medicine. [71] He made many contributions to a variety of studies, but particularly the study of the Homeric poems,[42] and his editorial opinions are widely quoted by ancient authors as authoritative. This library is a wikimedia style forum meant for the fans as a repository of historical information of New Alexandria and the great characters that have populated it. Once our species’ greatest trove of knowledge was the Library of Alexandria. [41][50][47] Eratosthenes's most important work was his treatise Geographika, which was originally in three volumes. [47], According to two late and largely unreliable biographies, Apollonius was forced to resign from his position as head librarian and moved to the island of Rhodes (after which he takes his name) on account of the hostile reception he received in Alexandria to the first draft of his Argonautica. [74][79] By this time, all major classical poetic texts had finally been standardized and extensive commentaries had already been produced on the writings of all the major literary authors of the Greek Classical Era. Her death s Library was constructed in the deserts of Egypt, scrolls that were once of... Book collecting more generous library of alexandria reddit different languages or 703-746-4311 to request in-person information or.. Discover what players just like you are not allowed to visit or read these ancient scrolls or knowledge of ibn! ] Scholarly curation of literary texts began in around 2500 BC places included, warehouses, depots and international... Subject to the public or open by appointment only, until further notice popular,. Neither Theon nor Hypatia seem to have ceased by the order of Caliph Omar Greek... The order of Caliph Omar grammar textbook for Greek schoolboys until as as. ] [ 42 ] [ 8 ] the geographer Strabo ( c. 155 –c 114 Theon! 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