dog has extra toe on back leg

i don't know much else to say right now, besides the fact that i will not give up on her. We are so happy to hear your pooch is hanging in there and doing well. Even if we have her leg amputated how long will we get out of her? 5. My husband is against it but the vet says larger dogs do well with three legs. Size isn’t an issue and I’ve even seen the story of some older dogs with arthritis that were still able to thrive after amputation. Not really a decision I am looking forward to making either way. If you need support or want to talk to anyone else, check out the forums on The other is equally passionate about leaving the dog intact. Big dogs aren’t candidates for amputation. My little sweet boy is now on his last few days or weeks or months , but as long as he is able to enjoy smell, taste & feel of my holding him & he doesn’t appear to be in pain I will be by his side. Then I noticed he was limping and not putting any weight on his leg. He watched over Tony and stayed close to him almost all the time. we have been going thru a week of hell. I’ve had the pleasure of working with Heather before her move to Alaska, as well as meeting Barrett on several occasions. However worried I was, as soon as I committed to her having the surgery and chemo, my relief was overwhelming., I just found out a rapidly growing mass on my cane Corso’s shoulder maybe bone cancer. It was way harder on us. As soon as we learned about the cancer, my husband went into overdrive doing as much research as possible before picking up our girl. Share this conversation. Good luck with everything! He is only 6 or 7 yrs old just going through so much. Two of the pins were floating around. The claim is, it is done for safety and health reasons and the animal feels less pain at this age and will not obsess with its removal. After a few days getting on the meds, he improved greatly and the ‘episodes’ went away after a little while. I really encourage you to head over to the forums at I feel so horrible about this, and not sure if we need to keep pursuing other options. You’re absolutely right – all the worry is for nothing. The fracture had re-broke and the pins/plates were infecting the leg. Hope everything goes well with your pup! He is doing great well walking with the dragging leg now sort of used to it. but after week one Oscar was jumping up on the couch again.. even walking along the back of the couch like a tight rope on week two and we even caught him sprinting across the yard. He sometimes turns in on himself like he’s ashamed and then starts shaking. Took him to vet and anti inflammatory and ultram/tramadol resumed. her toe does not seem to be getting any better. You’re an amazing person for opening up your home. Anyone else relate? 10 years ago as a puppy, he broke the same leg and he it played. Symptoms of Polydactyly in Dogs Most breeds of dogs have four main toes and one dew claw on the front limbs, with four toes on the back Lauren – everything you’re explaining is normal. He was x-rayed again on Tuesday and this time it showed a tumour in his left foreleg. Each toe on a dog's foot is associated with a pad. I refuse to let him cry it out. Leg pain causes can be varied in dogs and if your pet shows signs of this, you should conduct a vet check so that the correct diagnosis can be made and proper treatment administered accordingly.Some breeds are predisposed to leg or hip problems, and while leg pain in young dogs is transient in nature and resolves within a few days, some causes of pain are more severe and need proper treatment. Are your dog’s back legs weak? After reading all the comments, my heart is heavy. She has no idea of the impact of her size. July 5, 2013 The only options was to amputate or you know the “other” option. I know/hope I see more signs of my typical Leon over the coming days but please be prepared to embrace and accept change. He is not coping well . A dewclaw is a small, undeveloped “extra” toe, located behind the hock, on the inside of the dog’s front leg. In my opinion, this is FALSE. In smaller breeds hey are often vestigal. and he took out the staples . Hi I have a 3 year old Labrador, she is 28kg, so she is quite slim and fit, she had an accident around 12 months ago, she broke her rear hip in a fall… she has had 5 operations to save the hip including a total hip and socket replacement… now yet again she is limping and the x-rays show the implants have come loose.. the operations up to now have cost £12,500 and we are back at square one. Today we got the final results of the post op tests and all clear. He yelps and hollers when others come near him. I’ve know many three legged giant breed dogs that do quite well. Thanks for listening… Unfortunately while at the vet hospital they hand fed him so when he first got home we had to hand feed. I’m still so worried about him and when I overthink it I tear up (not great if I’m at work). If you’re still struggling, reach out on the forums at My 11 year old red healer mix and something, started life as a throwaway puppy plus 4 others I found. You will also come to know that ‘Can dog's legs fall asleep’? She has a harness to steady her as she walks because of the tenderness at the surgical site. But it’s OK – she has 3 more! Tripod dogs have to relearn proprioception, which means they need to relearn how to balance their body in walking and this could be the biggest challenge a dog faces when it loses a limp. I also have three young children and am wondering how to share the news with them. Let me add my husband and I have owned more dogs than most . He’s happy and healthy and has NO IDEA he’s “missing” a leg is a support group of other pet parents facing amputation in dogs or cats. Everything will be OK! It’s never an easy task because we always want to do what’s best. in Cancer, Dogs, Pet Health I have been seeing comments accumulate on this page and have wanted to reply but just now am getting the chance to. I’m so torn. We will be going in for amputation next week my friends donated $800 for the surgery. I think it’s the meds. He has broken both bones in his front right leg between his elbow and wrist. Hi everyone. It’s only been four days and my dog is already thriving and happier than I have seen him in weeks. Sign up for's monthly newsletter. He still tries to jump up on the couch and HATES being confined in his cage. They did also x ray the lungs and from what they can tell so far they look clear. He’s 9, and otherwise fit and healthy (and happy, aside from the pain). He’s in surgery as we speak. Polydactyly is a rare occurrence where your dog is born with an extra toe or toes. If things don’t improve more in the next few months amputation might be our next option. Most dogs recover well from this type of surgery and are able to walk normally afterwards. Dogs love to play and get exercise, but sometimes that activity can lead to sprains and strains that require treatment. […], Dogs want to escape for a variety of reasons including finding the perfect spot to poop or chasing the neighbor's cat. The dogs appetite was just slightly below usual until this morning and now he has gone off food and is just sleeping and his back legs shake and are very weak, too weak for him to walk more than a few feet on. My poor guy! The dog may snag or tear them during their normal play or work. Get more news to help keep your dog healthy delivered right to your inbox. doing the hip replacement again, but this will involve more work to build up the bone with bone grafts before the hip replacement can be done. And yes, Barret lives life like any other dog. after much research and debate with my husband who wanted the amputation, I thought it was more of our ego trying to hold on to out dear love Oscar.. But since she is only 4 months old, you may take some extra care to help make her way for some time now…, My 13 year old collie cross was in art on Friday. Hello! I’m so afraid I’m going to make the wrong decision. However, you are right.. tripods adapt to life quickly. Food became his nemesis. He is over 160lbs with most of his weight in the front. Most dogs have a dewclaw; what seems to an "extra" toe on their limbs that is more proximal to the body. Currently an owner of 3 dogs and 2 cats, I’ve gained a plethora of pet-related experience over the years. The vet has suggested having pins placed in his leg. In a different field I worked with a client that had developmental issues from a polio vaccine they received as a child. Dog Leg Injuries. Ready to go back to work? The first few days were awful. For those of you who have been following Barret’s story, he was diagnosed with an aggressive form of canine cancer following a surgery to remove a lump. Whether to leave or remove your dog’s dewclaws is a personal choice. You’ll be truly amazed and inspired by how animals can handle just about anything you throw at them and will make you want to be more like your dog. UGH. Hello to all, we are two weeks post op on our 13 year old daushound pincher mix. This is so hard… My dog was in a cast for 8 mos following surgery.Vet wrapped repeatedly wrapped too tight forcing dew claw to grow sideways-nail dug into leg.You should always pad under the dew claw AND over it to avoid this from happening (even if bandage is short period)–padding under prevents the nail from presing into leg and adds comfort. It’s so true that we feel the pain and trauma more so but its the small things that hit hard. I saved his life once already I have to try everything I can. Unfortunately we do not have the option to take off a bunch of extra time from work and I wouldn’t feel very good knowing she is at home by herself in case something were to go wrong. Check it out to learn how Sasha is doing now , Thanks for commenting, Liliana. He is 142lbs now..starting to lose muscle in his rear end from not exercising much. Tina, that is wonderful news! Nicola. I had all these same fears. But he is barely walking without stumbling. I don’t know if was from a dog fight or he got hit by a car but long story his front right leg was amputated. But he is happy, in no pain and as I write this he is currently trying to bury a bone! It is dewclaws uncommonly found on the hind legs of some dogs. It is no walk in the park to have a limb amputated. I know she will be okay. Coronavirus and dogs: Can canines get COVID-19? Hello, We are at that stage where we are still wondering ” did we do the right thing”? I’m going to pick her up from the vet’s and bring her home shortly and am so happy, but nervous. They’re a terrific resource and now a non-profit organization. FALSE! I have him on a alkaline cancer diet lots of protein chicken spinach apple juice & flaxseed blended up and made into ice cubes to hide his meds..he loves ice cubes so he thinks its a treat but little does he know lol. My new friends over at have shown me that big dogs can do as well as small dogs as tripods. Expert: Dr. Kara replied 7 years ago. So, if you are worried about it, it is a journey but one we found worth taking. This worked very well and once he knew I was not being overly nurse-like, he started showing signs of his pre-op character. I can’t tell you how many nights after his surgery where Barret would whimper and cry out and I would just sit and cry right along with him because there was nothing I could do to help him. I have heard lots of accounts of other dogs mourning the passing of their friends and siblings. I encourage you to head over to and share your story on the forums. He began screaming, whining, shaking. It’s been a long time since Calamity’s amputation & she is getting older & slowing down now, but I can say if faced with the option for amputation on any dog in the future, I would push forward without a moments hesitation! For the last 6 months he has not been able to get around at all & has had to wear a diaper which is hard to keep on him as he does scoot around a little. I used to live on a farm and we took in every stray dog that came wondering up. Dogs teach so many wonderful lessons . He now has a cart that he uses occasionally but he does better just on his two legs. I live in Gurnee, IL and was just curious. I read both your blogs during my search for information on how to be prepared for this. or the final option of amputation. I understand your confusion. I’m so sorry you are facing this decision. I have started to help him out by carrying him down and up stairs. I have a question I hope someone can help with. Thank you for sharing your stories here. Once we met with Dr. N, our vet, we were 98% sure we’d proceed with amputation. There are two schools of thought on the necessity of removing a dog’s dewclaws. My puppy was upset for a day or 2, got over it, and started hopping around the yard just like she did before her terrible accident. My whole freezer is loaded with frozen meats now just 4 him. The first few days were a little rough on Sasha, she moved around find, but she was in quite a bit of pain. Every time we take him out in public, we get a barrage of questions about his condition and I’m starting to realize that there are a lot of misconceptions out there about 3 legged dogs and I’d like to set the record straight! Some have even fared better than their terrier counterparts. So evolution decided that it was in the dog’s best interest to not have a fully developed 1st digit, which is … I have a Chocolate Lab/Mastiff mix (160lbs) who is about to have his front left leg amputated due to bone cancer. I don’t know what I would’ve done without them! My question is how much did the ampuation cost you? Hi Marcy – I am so sorry for your loss. So im hoping its not osteosarcoma. As far as #5.. We had a cat in the family that had 3 legs following an accident of some kind (he was adopted with 3 legs) and I’ve met several cats  who have lost a limb later in life only to rebound amazingly. Swelling of the area may also be noted. Friends and family sympathized with me, but didn’t think amputation was advisable. It will take him some time to adjust! Reading your stories of successful and happy dogs is truly what’s getting me through this tough time of watching him adjust and heal. I also agree with point #5, I too think some people hoover too much. Once I learned not to jump at every noise or move he made (and to leave him alone for a little while) recovery seemed to smooth out. As we are overcome by emotion we don’t know what is best. Now the waiting game to see how he does. I remember Calamity would scream in pain & us humans would just cry~well who wouldn’t cry after a major surgery?!? Here’s what to expect when you see the vet — plus some possible reasons for a dog’s back legs suddenly not working. His front limb amputation was on Monday and we got him back last night. When a dog has extra dewclaws in addition to the usual one on each front leg, the dog is said to be double dewclawed. So thank-you!! My dog has had the... 7 Things You Might Not Know About Your Canine Companion – […] Dogs and Babies: Tips for Introducing Your Pet to... How to Greet a Dog – […] What does a Veterinary Technician do? He is a rear leg amputee and I have seen with my own two eyes how he is just like four legged dogs. Recovering from major surgery is too hard on a dog… Lessons Learned Moving Cross-County with Dogs, Do Dog Rocks Work to Prevent Urine Burn? Thanks! In certain breeds such as Great Pyrenees, Beaucerons, and Briards, double dewclaws must be present for standard reasons. But I just don’t know what to do I can’t give up on my baby. I hope everything is going well with Lena this week. she's been eating some, but has not had very much water. My beautiful boy Remy who’s 7 yrs old is a boxer / Pitt went in to have surgery to stabilize his shoulder and the vet found soft bone and did a biopsy and a week later we found out it was osteosarcoma/ bone cancer. I couldn’t agree more with the things you have said. Does this automatically mean this type of cancer will pop up in a different place for her? Anybody amputate for bone cancer but not choose the chemo? All the way to the vets we both agreed that no amputation . I decided to amputate my 13 year old pomeranians right front leg after consulting with my vet.I had tried surgery to remove the mass as well as chemo and radiation but the cancer was very aggressive and he was in pain even with medication.He had the surgery in July and I have to say some days are better then others.He doesn’t really attempt to walk a lot so I bought him a stroller and we go on walks.I know his rear legs are over compensating for his lost leg so he has started having problems with his knees.He is still full of life and I don’t regret my decision but it is like having a puppy again that is totally dependent on you and its hard to leave the house for any length of time.Im glad I could read others stories they helped me tremendously. We had started a blog on Tripawds, but because I had my own little blog already, we did not keep up with the one on Tripawds. He is still my baby and as you well know, the hardest news I’ve ever had to deal with. They’ll have a different walk, but the same zest for life, even more if there was pain in the limb that was amputated. Thank you! My 9.75 year old Caviler King Charles is going in tomorrow (Wednesday 8/24/2016) with the amputation surgery being on Thursday. Just knowing for a couple of weeks after surgery he will be crying out with pain is appalling. She will become more sensitive to your moods so staying positive is key! In faster breeds they are used for high speed running. The vet says she is doing great, has been up and walking fairly stably since Sat. Hi Polly- 86 Comments Anyway, although I can’t generalize #4, I will say my dog has on occasion been picked on by other dogs but all those dogs had very dominant personalities. Lose muscle in his leg this morning initial phase was that Leon feeding. Your moods so staying positive is key was just dangling me emotionally over at have. To use the elevated bowl and let him eat at his own pace a. 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