eland shot placement

Once the adrenalin is pumping however, all bets are off. Eland form herds of up to 500 animals but are not territorial. Eland Shot Placement. Due to the tremendous dewlap beneath the throat of eland, this shot should only be attempted with calibers of 375 and bigger. For those hunters who do not wish to go through the red tape of bringing a rifle into South Africa, Nick Bowker Hunting has available a Sako carbon light 300 Winchester Magnum fitted with a suppressor. Eland are large animals with strong bone structures, which is why you should only take a broadside shot into the chest (heart-lung area) or a quartering away-shot. Eland is the largest of the Spiral Horned family in South Africa. Lord Derby sent botanist Joseph Burke to South Africa to collect animals for his museum. Hunting eland with 7mm or 30 caliber rifles would be the minimum recommended caliber. It was both food and spiritual inspiration to the prehistoric hunter-gatherer peoples of southern Africa. Mature bulls will display a black/darkened fringe on the forehead, with the emphasis not always being the length of the horn but the age of the animal. A poorly shot eland can go a very long ways. The minimum Safari Club International score for an Eland is 77 and is measured by adding the length of each horn and the circumference of bases. Gallery of eland trophy hunting pictures Eland will often stay and face predators rather than run away.. As males age, their coat becomes darker. Also, bears have heavier bones and … They avoid combat by weighing each other up with the smaller one conceding its ground straight away. The eland is much better adapted than cattle to the African environment and is easily domesticated. Shot placement counts just as heavily on follow-up shots, but is no longer quite as important. For a side brain shot aim a hand’s width in front of the earhole. Older males typically lose hair, giving a greyish colouration as the dark skin beneath shows through. Of course..I am NOT suggesting that one should ever substitute 'energy' for good shot placement but you do want everything working in your favor first time out. African Hunter Shot Placement App; A much better choice would be a heavier .338-358 caliber with 250-270 grain bullets. bullets is a pretty potent package and for those old enough to remember the old Winchester Silver-Tip bullets, they were mighty darn good for the day. Adult males also have a darker coat, sometimes with a bluish tinge. They migrate widely in search of grazing, and therefore the dominant bulls are not territorial or defensive of their areas of land. Elephant Hunting Tip When the ear lies flat against the body, the rear-most tip is a good aiming point for a lung shot. Instead, they allow their body temperature to rise during the day and lose the heat during the cooler nights. Shot placement: Eland are massive animals with fairly substantial bone structures. Includes world famous shot placement diagrams. However, high-quality bulls are very scarce. All the other shells you mentioned will also work if you have decent shot placement, but then again, shot placement is the brother to caliber and premium grade ammunition. Browse the Bookshelf mini-site for thousands of African hunting books and much more.... Shakari Connection is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. Shot Placement Only two shot are recommended for hunting Cape Eland in South Africa. Eland are farmed for its meat and milk in both South Africa and Russia. Get your digital edition of African Hunter Published Books Shot Placement Guide subscriptions and publications online from Joomag. This will also have the added benefit of pinning the wing to the body and preventing the turkey from flying away as it dies. The company makes it a practice to include a copy of The Perfect Shot in every hunter’s lunch cooler so that he or she can review the best shot placement during the day. Mounted on the gun is a Swarovski DS with a built-in rangefinder. Eland’s life expectancy is between 14 and 22 years. A trophy Eland will cost around $2500. Older males typically lose hair, giving a greyish colouration as the dark skin beneath shows through. Love the eland. The horns of males are thicker and shorter than those of females. When walking eland often emit a 'clicking' sound audible over great distances. The eland is a browser that feeds on a variety of plants. What is the best recommended shot placement when Hunting Eland? He only made it 40 yards before collapsing in a heap. Eland is the largest of the Spiral Horned family in South Africa. More On Eland Hunting. It is powerful enough to ethically take any species of game and thousands of hunters have enjoyed great success in hunting buffalo and elephant with the mighty .375 H&H. Shot placement is especially important for black bear hunters due to the potentially large size of bears (up to 600 pounds) and the fact that bears may attack a hunter if wounded. Your eland trophy should have an average shoulder height of around 67 inches, weigh about 1500 pounds, and have a Horn length of approximately 30 – 33 inches. Males have dense fur on the forehead while females do not. The entire band was making hastily an exit down-slope to our left, and the boss tried valiantly to keep pace with his mates, but Lisa’s perfect shot placement had deflated his lungs and put his pump out of commission. The rifle, including ammunition, is available as part of all hunting packages free of charge. HUNTING Eland View More Hunting Wildebeest Shot Placement View More Hunting Sable Antelope Shot Placement View More ... Mountain Lion Hunting Shot Placement View More Post Views: 64. Apart from the course mane, the coat is fairly smooth. Follow-up: Eland can be aggressive when wounded or cornered. African Rainforest Hunting Clothes & Gear, CITES, ESA, EU Appendices & Hunting Quota Table, Jet-Lag Remedies & Longhaul Flight Survival, David Whyman's African Crystal Engravings, Dr Enrique Lacuesta's African Watercolor Art. As with most African animals, shot placement should always be in the bottom third of the shoulder. When the eland is standing broadside, aim at the center of the shoulder, about one third of the way up the body. Contact Us. A lot of glassing is required to locate Eland. Eland Shot Placement As stated above, eland are not especially tough animals. It is however one of the most neglected aspects when it comes to hunting. If they do not, the more dominant male will give the inferior male a “stare,” which should move it on. If you are planning on hunting a thick skinned member of the Big 5, such as buffalo or elephant, the .375 H&H is probably the best cartridge for the job. When walking eland often emit a 'clicking' sound audible over great distances. A female can produce up to 7kg of milk per day and is richer in fat than cow’s milk. You would not be over gunned with a .375 caliber rifle like the … Jun 15, 2014 - Impala Shot Placement Guide - Impala Hunting Tip: When horn tips are vertical the animal is fully mature Eland hunting makes for a fantastic day out in the African bushveld. When judging the trophy quality of eland, it’s essential to look at the size of the ridge on the boss, the color of the dewlap. Females have tan skin, while the coats of males are darker, with a blueish tinge. If you listen closely, and you’ll hear a distinct clicking sound as the herd of approaches. Eland hunting should always be considered for any African hunting safari. And it features prominently in rock- and cave-art across the region. When the animal is standing broadside, simply aim at the center of the shoulder, approximately one third of the way up the body (this goes for both rifle and bow hunters). Bulls weigh 882–2,077 pounds and stand 59–72 inches at the shoulder. The combination of 375 and 300gr NP is so good it wants to make me cry. Eland hunting will result in a larger trophy than both kudu and roan antelope. Shot Placement Matters Steiner was hunting with Agagia Safaris. Eland hunting is a great African hunting experience and can be considered together with. If the animal is wounded, that implies that the first shot either didn't go where it was supposed to go, or the bullet didn't do what it was supposed to do. Males use their horns during rutting season to fend off and butt heads with rivals, while females use their horns to protect their calves from predators. As with most African animals, shot placement should always be in the bottom third of the shoulder. The Eland’s hooves, which splay apart and click back together under the animals’ great weight, cause the clicking sound. Buy, download and read African Hunter Published Books Shot Placement Guide on your iPad, iPhone, Android, Tablets, Kindle Fire, Windows 8, Web, Mac and PCs only from Joomag - The Digital Newsstand. Exercise caution during follow-up procedures. or ethical shot at an unwounded animal. Both sexes have horns. Use enough gun, place the shot in the right area, and enjoy a very large eland steak. 2020-2-25 - Explore sherio's board "africa hunting" on Pinterest. We have hand loaded Hornady ELD-X 200 grain ammunition. Eland have a rather large area covering the vital organs for adequate shot placement. The dewlap can lead to a deflection of faster calibers causing a wounded animal. Eland Shot placement … Page Updated: June 2020. Eland conserves water by not sweating to keep cool. They will group with the calves in the center and will present the offending animal with a wall of kicking legs. Bulls can also have vertical white stripes on their sides. I made a poor shot at 100 yds. Eland Shot Placement; ELAND SHOT PLACEMENT. Older males typically lose hair, giving a greyish colouration as the dark skin beneath shows through. When walking eland often emit a 'clicking' sound audible over great distances. Loading the eland always proves to be a fun exercise. All rights reserved. I agree, there’s no such thing as overkill, but let’s be reasonable, 5,800 ft/lb of muzzle energy out of a half-inch diameter bullet is nowhere near as important as proper shot placement with a smaller cartridge. If you are looking for an outstanding bull, you may have to consider going into one of the high fenced reserves. They are spiral-horned antelopes. A well placed shot with a light caliber on a relaxed, serene animal will the do the job. The eland is the slowest antelope, with a peak speed of 25 miles per hour that tires them quickly. When the animal is standing broadside, simply aim at the center of the shoulder, approximately one third of the way up the body. Cape eland refers to the Southern eland found our way (Taurotragus oryx). My PH said he’ll go down in 50 yds, well 10 miles of tracking later he was still on his feet. Eland Hunting Tip. Adult eland like their own space and do not tolerate other eland coming within six feet of them. Jun 15, 2014 - Eland Shot Placement Guide - Eland Hunting Tip: Older males typically lose hair, giving a greyish colouration as the dark skin beneath shows through If you place your shot properly, they will not run far at all. Females are smaller than males. I shot mine from a pit blind slightly quartering away entering right in the crease with broad head lodging in the opposite shoulder joint. This practice can save a 500kg eland five liters of water. At that point all bets are off. Older mature males can weigh up to one ton and can be very difficult to bring down. * '06 with 180 gr. Eland Hunting Tip. Free-ranging eland hunting is found in the Bedford mountains. Shot placement is probably the most important part of hunting in a responsible and ethical manner. Like virtually any African animal, an Eland will not run very far if hit properly by a powerful enough bullet. They can jump up 8 feet from a standing start when startled 10 feet for young eland. Jun 15, 2014 - Eland Shot Placement Guide - Eland Hunting Tip: Older males typically lose hair, giving a greyish colouration as the dark skin beneath shows through More information Eland Shot Placement The word “eland” originates from the Dutch for elk. Today place names such as “Elands fountain” and surnames such as Mpofu (‘eland’ in Zulu) suggest how central to the region’s culture this antelope once was. Search. The horns of males are thicker and shorter than those of females. Eland prefers to live in semi-arid areas that contain low bushes and often inhabit grasslands, woodlands, sub-desert, bush, and mountaintops. Males have dense fur on their foreheads and a large dewlap on their throats. Shot placement is pretty critical on those big bulls. I won't bore you with my excuses but the shot hit low on a facing shot and took out the Eland… However, shot placement is the key to putting down an eland with a .30 caliber rifle. The giant eland is also called ‘Lord Derby’s eland’ in honor of Edward Smith-Stanley, 13th Earl of Derby. Other Animals. .30-06 Springfield Best Caliber For Hunting Dangerous Game. Loading the … They can go long periods without water but then needs “tsama” fruits and gemsbok cucumbers for its water requirements. Only two shots are recommended – a broadside shot into the heart-lung area or a quartering away shot. Eland can be added to any of our South African Hunting Safari Packages. Bears are significantly different in structure than that of other animals. Eland facing on shot placement: place the shot where the bottom of the throat meets the chest. Eland will rarely fight. Subscribe online. Living in regions with little surface water, the eland, being a nocturnal animal, feeds on vegetation that absorbs moisture from the atmosphere at night. No part of this website may be reproduced for publication without written permission. on a big Eland Bull. However, they can maintain 14 miles per hour trot indefinitely. Females weigh 660–1,320 pounds and stand 49–60 inches at the shoulder. Male eland can weigh up to 2,200 pounds. Place the shot right behind the shoulder of the eland in line with the front leg, one third of the way up from the bottom of the chest to the top of the back. The eland is able to go a long way without turning to the waterhole, for it can loosen water-rich and young plants with its thick horns; plants on which they like to treat themselves. Click image to enlarge. Eland also has a nursery in their herds for their calves. Mature males are larger and have a very prominent dewlap on the throat. This provides the eland with sufficient fluid sustenance. Like virtually any African animal, an Eland will not run very far if hit properly by a powerful enough bullet. They do, however, avoid forests, swamps, and deserts. Hunting eland with 7mm or 30 caliber rifles would be the minimum recommended caliber. Older mature males can weigh up to one ton and can be very difficult to bring down. Both males and females have horns with a steady spiral ridge (resembling that of the bushbuck). What is the best recommended Eland shot placement? Some people focus so much on rifle calibers and other things that they don’t pay enough attention to shot placement at all. Hunting is by walk and stalk or ambush techniques. Now available, the African Hunter Shot Placement Field Guide is A6 in size (147mm x 105mm: approx 5.7" x 4.1") and contains shot placement drawings for the 16 most commonly hunted big game and plains game species with additional digital overlays of the vitals for Buffalo, Elephant and Lion. Copyright © 2008-2020. A broadside shot aimed right at the butt of the wing feather is another good shot you can take for maximum bleeding. During the females’ estrus cycles, however, bulls become possessive and territorial. Eland hunting is in the mountainous areas of the Eastern Cape. Its meat and eland shot placement in both South Africa “ tsama ” fruits and gemsbok cucumbers for water! The bottom third of the bushbuck ) lose hair, giving a greyish colouration as the dark skin beneath through... 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