romans 1:1:2 meaning

The Founder of this celebrated church is unknown. As I emphasized in our recent series on evangelism, one basic principle when you’re sharing the gospel is to keep bringing the discussion back to the person and work of Jesus Christ. Old alliances were crumbling as darkness crept across the land. In the summer of 386, a young man wept in the backyard of a friend. (So Ro 15:16; 1Th 2:2, 8, 9; 1Pe 4:17).Rom 1:1-7 Paul, commending to the Romans his calling, greets them,Rom 1:8-15 and professes his concern for, and desire of coming tosee them.Rom 1:16,17 He shows that the gospel is for the justification ofall mankind through faith.Rom 1:18-32 And having premised that sinners in general areobnoxious to God's wrath, he describes at large thecorruption of the Gentile world. On ἅγιος holy, see on Acts 26:10. “Therefore now nothing of condemnation is to them that be in Christ Jesus, which wander not after the flesh,” (Wycliffe). [⇑ See verse text ⇑] This verse continues Paul's introduction, including three important phrases. The verb ἐπαγγέλλομαι; means more than to proclaim. There was a further reason here for his appealing so much to the Old Testament. Called to be an apostle - This word called means here not merely to be invited, but has the sense of appointed. Romans 1:1-2 In history, the church of Jesus Christ experienced disunity as the good news of the gospel was becoming eclipsed right before the eyes of the people of God. of God—that is, the Gospel of which God is the glorious Author. When God calls he makes what he calls. Jesus is the center of the good news. Putting these facts together, it is impossible to resist the conviction, in which all critics agree, that Corinth was the place from which the Epistle was written, and that it was despatched about the close of the visit above mentioned, probably in the early spring of the year 58. (1) The reverence which Paul showed for the Old Testament. He does not mean an occasional breaking of the law but consistently breaking it as a practice or as a way of life. He that a little before had seen him doing what he is recorded to have done, Act 26:10,11, would never have dreamed of any such thing. Related Papers The Mighty and Merciful Message of Romans 1–8. Certain it is, that the apostle writes to them expressly as a Gentile Church (Ro 1:13, 15; 15:15, 16); and though it is plain that there were Jewish Christians among them, and the whole argument presupposes an intimate acquaintance on the part of his readers with the leading principles of the Old Testament, this will be sufficiently explained by supposing that the bulk of them, having before they knew the Lord been Gentile proselytes to the Jewish faith, had entered the pale of the Christian Church through the gate of the ancient economy. The gospel is sometimes called the gospel of God, as in this place; and sometimes the gospel of Christ, as in Rom 1:16: it is said to be the gospel of God, because he is the author of it, it is not a human invention; and it is said to be the gospel of Christ, because he is the matter and subject of it. He was then on the eve of visiting Jerusalem with a pecuniary contribution for its Christian poor from the churches of Macedonia and Achaia, after which his purpose was to pay a visit to Rome on his way to Spain (Ro 15:23-28). Take up and read!”b. ; Isaiah 53:11, "shall my righteous servant justify many." Not the preaching of the Gospel, but; the message itself is meant. by his prophets, Isaiah and others, "afore" the Apostle Paul was called forth to be a preacher of it; which promise, or promises of it, lie. "Called to be an apostle" (A.V. If Jesus is who He claimed to be and who the Scriptures present Him to be, then He is Lord of all and we must bow before Him. The meaning, in any case, must not be limited to the official sense. 5. to my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is heralded throughout the world. Others, an allusion to his diminutive stature; and others again think that he assumed the name out of compliment to Sergius Paulus, the deputy of Cyprus. The phrase used is either in allusion to the priests and Levites, who were separated from their brethren the children of Israel, to their sacred employments; or rather to the apostle's having been "a Pharisee", which signifies "one separated", as he was now; only with this difference, before he was separated to the law, but now "to the Gospel", to preach and defend it, which he did with all faithfulness and integrity; the excellency of which Gospel is signified by its being called "the Gospel of God": he is the author of it; his grace is the subject of it; and he it is who commits it to men, qualifies them for the preaching of it, and succeeds them in it. and Rev. In this sense it is applied to the disciples of Christ at large (1Co 7:21-23), as in the Old Testament to all the people of God (Isa 66:14). It was formerly matter of admiration, and so it became a proverb in Israel: Is Saul also among the prophets? Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. The Greek indicates that the writer was actually in the apostolate - a called apostle. Apparently Phoebe was on her way to Rome (probably entrusted with this precious letter) and Paul sends an advance recommendatio… (1) Servant.—More strictly, here as elsewhere in the New Testament, slave; and yet not wrongly translated “servant,” because the compulsory and degrading side of service is not put forward. This sacrifice is NOT compulsory. The former is emphasized in Paul's use of the term, since Christian service, in his view, has no element of servility, but is the expression of love and of free choice. Some think he alludes to the name of Pharisee, which is from separating: when he was a Pharisee, he was separated to the law of God; and now, being a Christian, he was separated to the gospel of God. Nor are indications wanting that some of those embraced in the salutations of this Epistle were Christians already of long standing, if not among the earliest converts to the Christian faith. The Greek word, in both places, is the same. The same considerations would seem to prove that this church owed its origin to no prominent Christian laborer; and this brings us to the much-litigated question. In the holy scriptures - In the writings of the Old Testament. (Which he had promised afore by his prophets in the holy scriptures,). The Greek, κλητος αποστολος, is literally, a called apostle, or an apostle called, namely, expressly, as the other apostles were. It is applied because the apostles were sent out by Jesus Christ to preach his gospel, and to establish his church; Matthew 10:2 note; Luke 6:13 note. And how, consistently with his declared principle—not to build on another man's foundation (Ro 15:20)—could he express his anxious desire to come to them that he might have some fruit among them also, even as among other Gentiles (Ro 1:13), if all the while he knew that they had the apostle of the circumcision for their spiritual father? (c) Appointed by God to preach the gospel. (b) Whereas he said before in a general term that he was a minister, now he comes to a more special name, and says that he is an apostle, and that he did not take this office upon himself by his own doing, but that he was called by God, and therefore in this letter of his to the Romans he is doing nothing but his duty. But in His grace God revealed Himself to the human race in a number of ways and God ordained His plan of salvation before the foundation of the world - so that His righteous wrath against sin, could be poured out upon His only begotten Son - as sin's substitute for … That it owed its origin to the apostle Peter, and that he was its first bishop, though an ancient tradition and taught in the Church of Rome as a fact not to be doubted, is refuted by the clearest evidence, and is given up even by candid Romanists. The function of an apostle was to preach the gospel Paul regarded himself as separated to this work. His appointment to this office he not infrequently takes occasion to vindicate; 1 Corinthians 9:1, etc. Thus, the word is expressive of dignity and honor; and the servants of a king denote officers of a high rank and station. First, "in hope of eternal life" refers to Paul's future hope of eternity with Christ. Romans 1:12(NASB) Verse Thoughts It was very important that Paul built up a rapport with the Christians in Rome, because this gentile church was one of the few … The reference here is to the historical fact of the selection of St. Paul to be an Apostle; in Galatians 1:15 (“it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb”), it is rather to the more distant act of divine predestination. The history of this call you have in Act 9:15. Romans 1:2. ὃ προεπηγγείλατο. What does the living sacrifice mean in Romans 12:1? The idea of “slavery” in the present day has altogether different associations. The remainder of the Epistle is devoted to sundry practical topics, winding up with salutations and outpourings of heart delightfully suggestive. Only here in the New Testament. Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God. This may regard either God's eternal purpose concerning him, his preordination of him from eternity to be a preacher of the Gospel, to which he was separated from his mother's womb, Galatians 1:15; or the separation of him to that work made by the order of the Spirit of God, Acts 13:2. Hence, he appeals here so often to the Old Testament; and defends every point by the authority of the Bible. It is applied to the prophets as those who were honored by God, or especially entrusted by him with office; Deuteronomy 34:5; Joshua 1:2; Jeremiah 25:4. It denotes those who are "separated," or called out from the common mass; Acts 19:9; 2 Corinthians 6:17. Separated; either from his mother's womb, in the purpose of God, Gal 1:15; so Jeremiah of old, Jer 1:5. Unto the gospel of God; that is, to the preaching and publishing of it. In favor of this it may be said that when employed in connection with the names of individuals, it is always applied to those who have some special work as teachers or ministers, and that most of such instances occur in the opening salutations of the apostolic letters. He was called at one and the same time to the faith and the apostleship of Christ (Ac 26:16-18). He wished to show them, and the remainder of his countrymen, that the Christian religion was built on the foundation of their prophets, and their acknowledged writings. This is something he longed for, and desired for his Jewish brothers as well as Gentiles (Romans 1:16). Two things are couched in this phrase: 1. An apostle - One sent to execute a commission. Mankind needs salvation, because every man is a sinner and the wrath of God is poured out on all sin. Romans 8:1 actually exists in three basic forms, adequately represented by the following translations: “Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,” (NASB). (See on [2163]Ro 1:7; [2164]Joh 5:22, 23). It has the unbroken testimony of all antiquity, up to Clement of Rome, the apostle's "fellow laborer in the Gospel, whose name was in the Book of Life" (Php 4:3), and who quotes from it in his undoubted Epistle to the Corinthians, written before the close of the first century. The NASB is used but other translations can be … (1) Because the other apostles had been called or chosen to this work John 15:16, John 15:19; Matthew 10:1; Luke 6:13; and. “Romans 1.1-5 and Paul’s Christological Use of Hab. Within this context is the Bible's definition of what God means by circumcision. Romans 1. It expresses the condition of one who has a master, or who is at the control of another. By the prophets - The word "prophets" here is used to include those who wrote as well as those who spake. We may see here. He never undervalued it. The Old Testament counterpart of Romans 12:1 is found in the whole of chapter 1 of Leviticus: the burnt offering. And all those, and those only, are brought to obedience of the faith, who are effectually called of Jesus Christ. See on John 5:47; see on John 2:22. He manifestly studied it; and never fell into the impious opinion that the Old Testament is of little value. As darkness crept across the land names may be traced through all the periods of Hebrew history up... Office he not infrequently takes occasion to vindicate ; 1 Timothy 2:7 ; 2 Timothy 2:22 the of... Were strangers to him, and has his authority john 2:22 for, and `` vessel. Ephesians 6:6 ; Plm 1:16 Romans has never been questioned εὐαγγέλιον Θεοῦ ).. `` future hope eternity! '' etc Testament counterpart of Romans 12:1 same time the most elaborate and. 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