the breakfast club lunch scene analysis

He is subject to domestic abuse by his father and is a drug user, storing marijuana in his locker. Peer pressure is clearly shown multiple times through out the movie, on various occasions it is also talked about between characters. Did your mom marry Mr. Rogers? The mise-en-scene (Looking, 36) of this part of the movie is all about settings/props showing the stereotypes. Each character’s behavior can be related to psychological concepts. Because there’s more to each and every one of us than meets the eye. BENDER I've seen you before, you know... We see Vernon look out from his office. Viewers of The Breakfast Club often overlook the concern for future teens portrayed in the movie. During lunch, he jovially mocks Brian's home life and then offers everyone a glimpse into his relationship with his own father whom abuses him both verbally and physically. Reciprocal determinism is the idea that behavior is controlled by the individual, through their thought processes, and by the environment, through certain stimulating events. The Breakfast Club Summary. Moving on to Andrew, let’s see. For example, the show Outsourced shows stereotyping in the work place by stereotyping all Indian people as being technologically savvy. While she feels comfortable enough to be herself around The Breakfast Club, she still feels the need to impress her peers and alter her personality in public. The article below says that alcohol “may increase the likelihood of a frustrated person focusing on one small aspect of the situation, exaggerating its importance, and responding in an irrational, aggressive manner.”  Theoretically, if Andrew were under the influence of alcohol his reaction to the knife would have been much worse and he might’ve acted irrationally. Some of the lines still get quoted in other pop culture mediums today. (©MCA/Courtesy Everett Collectio) At home, Bender witnesses his father verbally abusing his mother and is also a victim of the verbal abuse. The movie The Breakfast Club  shows stereotyping in the high school setting. The Breakfast Club written and directed by John Hughes BLANK SCREEN: Against Black, TITLE CARD: "...and these children that you spit on, as they try to change their worlds are immune to your consultations. Personally, I would have snagged a piece of sushi, the banana, … In the movie, we see the frustration-aggression principle with Andrew when Bender pulls a knife. In the scene, … Sushi in the 1980s? I am a mom, family doctor, and author. A sandwich of Pixie Stix and Capn’ Crunch cereal! Does that answer your question? That’s right. Brian is a young man who respects authority and calls Richard Vernon "Sir." He wears high-waisted jeans and a too-small sweatshirt (Camacho). The Jock, the Princess, the Brain, the Basket Case, and the Criminal must put aside their differences to survive their grueling eight hour detention with their psychotic and rash principal Mr. Vernon. To some this is highly offensive and must be stopped, while others think it is simply funny and do not consider it offensive at all. From her school lunch of a Pixie Stix and Cap'n Crunch sandwich to her non-conformist attitude, Ally Sheedy spoke to Elle Magazine about her character, though there was one scene in particular she didn't remember so fondly. In The Breakfast Club lunch scene, John makes fun of Brian’s nutritious meal, mimicking what he imagines to be his perfect life at home. "They often dozed off in the heat. The frustration-aggression principle is the principle that frustration creates anger which can generate aggression. The summary below contains spoilers. Consider all the innovative lunch combinations! Go through the drive-thru at a fast food restaurant, you must be unhealthy. Claire’s parents are divorced and she is often used as a weapon by each of them to get back at the other. Why? Each teen is in detention for a different reason. In the Bobo Doll Experiment, children who observed adults being aggressive toward the Bobo Doll in turn acted violently towards the doll as well. They are five total strangers, with nothing in common; meeting for the first time—a brain, a beauty, a jock, a rebel, and a recluse. This scene was unscripted. A famous scene from the classic 80’s John Hughes film, The Breakfast Club, that features the films 5 main stars talking about….everything. For example – the locker room captures the essence of Andrew’s stereotype, “the athlete.” There are clothes lying … In first few scenes of the movie, she is dropped of in a BMW. It was also simply assumed that because he was the “brain” that he would write everyone’s essay. We will discuss this movie with emphasis on the psychological perspective and attempt to uncover each character’s internal psychological problems. This blog is an analysis of the movie The Breakfast Club. Alcohol tends to affect one’s emotions and impairs one’s judgement, which can amplify the aggression cue. Not only does the director have a litany of classic 80s movies under his belt, he has writing credits clear into the 2010s. In the end, none of the stereotypes matter. The Breakfast Club : Movie Analysis 889 Words | 4 Pages. Technical and audio conventions are used throughout this scene to address his emotion. This essay will take a group of completely different people and “classify” them into a family. How ridiculous would it be if people judged you based on what you ate? one of the most iconic scenes in the Breakfast Club, The Movie Makeover: Good Intentions Gone Bad, 10 Life Moves to Help You Win the New Year, Celebrating Christmas In Unprecedented Times. Like you, I have my ups and downs. Surprisingly, it happens time and time again. Here are five of the most powerful scenes: As shown in this video, people often forget how much our situations and environment affect our behavior. Brian wears practical clothing that is not seen as trendy in the high school which shows his dorky image (Yokoyama et al.) Allison’s reason for being in detention was not actually a reason at all. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain … and an athlete … and a basket case … a princess … and a criminal. The article below gives numerous examples of movies and television shows that can potentially create a barrier between the races. It could be to divide, or to group. John does and reveals how abusive his father is. Who can’t relate to a good old-fashioned coming of age story or a character that breaks stereotypes? Peer pressure is social pressure by members of one’s peer group to take part in a certain action, adopt certain values, or otherwise conform in order to be accepted. It’s about lunch. This shows that we learn by observing people in our environment. Then, of course, every child’s dream meal. In the end, Brian is manipulated into writing a group essay for everyone in which he gives each person their defining nickname. Brian is considered "The Brain" in the Breakfast Club. If the students weren’t confined to the school building, the smoking could have gotten out of hand and led to disastrous consequences like the teenagers mentioned in the article. Throughout the day, their actions reveal their innermost struggle involving their cliques and their home lives. The Breakfast Club Study Guide: Home. Brian was also subjected to peer pressure. In 2017, I championed My Bridget Jones Life. In this situation, Bender was disrespecting Claire and this frustrated Andrew which led to him becoming aggressive and pinning Bender on the ground. The last scene ended with a voice over of Brian reading the essay and John walking across the oval and raising his left hand. ... Look closely at what each of them had for lunch. All of the students in the movie, are influenced by peer pressure to partake in smoking Marijuana. It's arguably the most unsettling scene in the movie due to how realistically it's done. By the end of the movie, all of the characters have come to accept themselves and each other. In Bender’s case, everyone attributed his actions to his personal disposition and did not take into account his home situation. In the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. ... What an iconic bookend scene for a legendary movie. Previous Next ... Defenders have said that the scene is less about getting rid of Allison's punk or pseudo-Goth look and more about being able to see her face clearly for the first time in the movie. Synopsis; Character analysis. This would have satisfied her need to belong and helped her move up on the hierarchy. The severity in which character face peer pressure alters from one to another. What if the thought of a hot school lunch makes your stomach roll? They'd start snoring," Del Ruth said. Andrew doesn’t believe him, so John shows him a burn mark on his arm. Character Analysis Ideas. ... this is a very nutritous lunch, all the food groups are represented. Sincerely yours, the Breakfast Club.” ... We see Vernon writing the essay that Brian had wrote regarding the breakfast club. Not a criminal perhaps, but aren’t we all innocent until proven guilty? BLANK SCREEN: Against Black, TITLE CARD: ... not gonna be hungry for lunch... Allison spits part of her nail at Bender. Five students meet for detention on a Saturday at Shermer High School outside Chicago. A stereotype is a generalized belief about a group of people. What does it show about their personality? She was there simply because she had nothing better to do. Allison (played by Ally Sheedy) is my favourite character from The Breakfast Club. How much more inclusive would that be? In the movie, Bender falls victim to the fundamental attribution error. Just before this scene, Bender stands up and re-enacts a typical day of his life at home with his abusive father. It’s funny to me that one of the most iconic scenes in the Breakfast Club is not about breakfast at all. Instead, these characters come together when they hear each other’s stories, when they open themselves up to other perspectives and actually *gasp* listen. For example, he has a balanced nutritional lunch and Bender associates this with him being a perfect nerdy child who has a loving mother who still packs his lunch for him. O. n Saturday March 24, 1984, five high school students in a Chicago suburb arrive for an all-day detention. This is a "kiddie" lunch which gives the reader the impression that Brian is a small child. They don't let him go out or do anything apart from study. While in detention, they are expected to write about “who they really are” in one thousand words. This is what ties the psychological concepts to the movie The Breakfast Club. Context Ideas; Quotes; Questions; Questions for Study. The Breakfast Club. It’s funny to me that one of the most iconic scenes in the Breakfast Club is not about breakfast at all. BRIAN (quietly to himself) Who do I … He is friends with the janitor of the school and while he is at first embarrassed for the other kids to know this, he says goodbye to Carlas they all leave the school. Make observations about how the character views his or her family. You see us as you want to see us. This tells us how much his energy his body needs to live his daily life. Claire pulls out a sushi box with matching chopsticks and delicately nibbles away to the stares of the “club”. The Bobo Doll Experiment video below shows that when we see people do something we usually imitate their actions and behavior. He finds Johnintimidating and puts his jacket back on when they both begin to remove theirs at the same time. While each student represents a different clique, together they form The Breakfast Club. It’s about lunch. In Maslow’s hierarchy, physiological needs comes first, followed by safety needs, and then the need to belong and feel loved. In 2018, I’m moving into John Hughes territory. Observe their clothes. However, The Breakfast Club is sneaky with its deep emotional truths–and rooted in ideas that teens and adults are, and will always be, grappling with. But they do eat a lot of sushi and sandwiches. He can be rather silly at times. The five principal actors in the film ( Molly Ringwald , Anthony Michael Hall , Emilio Estevez , Judd Nelson and Ally Sheedy ) became part of the " Brat Pack ", a group of actors whose careers in the 1980s revolved around playing teens in popular movies with each other. Allison admits to the group that she sees a shrink because she is compulsive liar. Now imagine, instead of sitting in their “assigned” seats, the Breakfast Club set their lunch up as a potluck. This shows that her behavior, internal thoughts, and her environment are all contributing factors to her personality. One of the needs on Maslow’s hierarchy is the need to belong. Still, I doubt Claire’s sushi tasted all that good after sitting in that designer shopping bag under her desk for five hours. An analysis of the themes and symbols found in the movie The Breakfast Club, written in an easy-to-understand format. BRIAN Uh, no, Mr. Johnson... BENDER Ahhh.... Andrew … Personally, I would have snagged a piece of sushi, the banana, and the juice box with a Pixie Stix for dessert. The knife acts as an aggression cue. Teens tend to value their peers opinion far more than their parents and for some their peers opinions pose dangers to them. The Breakfast Club – Final Analysis. Stereotypes in the media is a controversial subject. Summary. He allows Bender t… The movie was accurate in its portrayal of the psychological concepts and topics that are mentioned in the above paragraphs. The best-selling author of MEDICARE ESSENTIALS and IDIOT'S GUIDES: MEDICARE, she is also the Medicare expert for Verywell and specializes in patient education. All of the psychological concepts varied which showed the differences between people and the affect of each person’s environment on their actions. At home, Bender is treated badly. I am a brain, an athlete, a basket case, and a princess. In the Lunch time scene, when every one is unpacking their lunches Brian pulls a big paper bag and unpacks a sandwich, apple juice and soup. This video further explains the Fundamental Attribution Error which is seen in the way Bender is treated in the movie. During her sessions, her shrink uses free association. The Breakfast Club What's Up With the Ending? The Breakfast Club script by John Hughes. These factors explain why she is so socially inept and served a Saturday detention that she did not even have. Copyright 2020 - Diagnosis Life, LLC. Find the DIAGNOSIS for your best LIFE. We will discuss this movie with emphasis on the psychological perspective and attempt to uncover each character’s internal psychological problems., Reciprocal Determinism: The Bobo Doll Experiment. Each student is stereotyped from the beginning and gain nicknames based on their stereotype. He follows the stereotype of being a "nerd". He then leaves them, and only comes back in for lunch, or when he hears a … How do they reflect the stereotype Hughes is trying to portray? As the movie progresses, we find out the reason each teen is in detention that culminates in a climactic discussion about who they really are, which ironically answers the essay none of them were going to write (except Brian). A fun and free analysis about What's Up With the Ending? We've updated the list from when it was originally published to include even more of the most memorable lines from the movie. Of course, Allison only indulges after she throws a slice of pimento loaf onto a school fixture and opens a can of fizzing Coca-Cola. The Breakfast Club was a 1985 film written and directed by John Hughes, a legend in the teen genre. Like the situation with the driver, we tend to assume that people’s behavior is solely based on their personality, and this is not always the case. All the stereotypes and cliches of the high school student — the athlete (Emilio Estevez as Andrew), the basket case (Ally Sheedy as Allison), the brain (Anthony Michael Hall as Brian), the criminal (Judd Nelson as Bender), the princess (Molly Ringwald as Claire) — are more on display in what they chose to eat than on what they wore or how they looked. We accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. THE BREAKFAST CLUB by John Hughes FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY Converted to PDF by ScreenTalk™ Talk about decadent, elite even … at least for its time but especially for detention. classification has so many different meanings. In the movie, Brian describes her behavior as conceited because she is a “popular” and looks down on those “under” her on the social hierarchy. Allison had met the first two needs on the hierarchy and the next step was to fulfill the need to belong and feel loved. Emilio Estevez, Molly Ringwald, Judd Nelson, Ally Sheedy, and Anthony Michael Hall eat zero breakfast foods in 'The Breakfast Club.' The trick is to focus on the things that matter. In the newspaper article below, we see that many teenagers have made decisions based on peer pressure that have cost them their lives. Meet Brian Johnson, Andrew Clark, Allison Reynolds, Claire Standish, and John Bender—respectively, "a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess, and a criminal." Turn to health, wellness, and the things that make you happy (in my case, writing). Classy how she sucks the remains off the table too. Brian, on the other hand, has a brown paper bag lunch packed by his parents. This blog is an analysis of the movie The Breakfast Club. People find it acceptable to judge you based on anything and everything under the sun, even if they don’t know a thing about you. In the situation with the driver, someone cut him off and he immediately assumed the other driver was a jerk instead of considering the outside circumstances that caused them to behave the way they did. It also becomes one of the reasons Mean Girls is one of the most iconic high school movies of all time, joining the ranks of Fast Times at Ridgemont High, The Breakfast Club, Heathers, and Grease. Updated On May 26, 2020 By Amanda Bruce: With The Breakfast Club remaining so iconic more than 30 years after its debut, it's hard to stop at just ten quotes. The breakfast club highlights a variety of pressures that are placed upon teenagers through out high school. The fundamental attribution error is the theory that we explain someone’s behavior by crediting either the situation or the person’s disposition. In the movie, Principal Vernon, who is in a management position, could have better handled the detention situation if he had considered the individual needs of the troubled students. Each teen is in detention for a different reason. It is a tale of communication and friendship; however, it can also be a lesson on life and what Hughes thinks is a problem in our society. An example that I will be referring to is the movie, “The Breakfast Club”. Directed by John Hughes. This already brings two things to our attention that she is rich due to the expensive car and that she is pampered as she is dropped off at school. Free association is a method of exploring the unconscious in which the person relaxes and says whatever comes to mind, no matter how trivial or embarrassing. Speaking specifically on The Breakfast Club, Ringwald referred to a scene in which John Bender hides from a teacher by crouching beneath a desk next to Claire. Speech, Appearance, Actions and Others. ... We know this because in the movie the during lunch time he takes out 3 sandwiches, a big bag of crisps, cookies, a 1 litre carton of orange juice, an apple and a banana. But we think you’re crazy to make an essay telling you who we think we are. Tanya Feke MD is a board-certified family physician and patient advocate whose goal is to keep you healthy. This reflects on his … His literal grocery bag of lunch options included three sandwiches, a quart of milk, a bag of chocolate chip cookies, a family-size bag of potato chips, an apple, and a banana. Bring your own lunch to middle school, you aren’t cool. The Breakfast Club Study Guide: Home; Overview of Context; Character Analysis; Idea Analysis; Study Questions; Essay Questions; Representation of Groups; Quotes; Further Reading; FORUMS; CHARACTER ANALYSIS. In the iconic film, The Breakfast Club, five random high school students must spend their Saturday together in detention. The taste of canned tuna makes you heave? How much more inclusive would that be? It’s not what you look like, and it’s sure not about what you eat. Picture Credit. Andrew shows the frustration-aggression principle when he gets into an altercation with Bender. Frustration-aggression Principle: Alcohol’s Affect. In the scene when all of the characters are expressing their feelings, Andrew confesses to do something he greatly regrets. The article below shows a practical way of applying Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to a management position. Eat canned vegetables or tuna fish, you must be poor. Important Quotes. When Bender got up again, he pulled a knife out of his jacket which acted as an aggression cue for Andrew and prolonged his aggressive behavior. Bender, the natural bully, comes on over and asks “What are we having for lunch?”. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates., Fundamental Attribution Error: It’s the Situation, Not the Person. At home, Allison was ignored by her parents and at school she had no friends. All of those things can change in an instant. bivinsj on November 7, 2016 November 7, 2016. Peer pressure is often seen among adolescents. You need a shot of caffeine to dull a migraine or you simply want to support a friend working the drive-thru window? Five high school students meet in Saturday detention and discover how they have a lot more in common than they thought. Brian's parents put pressure on his academics. This display of emotional purging was unheard of in similar movies of the teen genre up until The Breakfast Club. Midway through John Hughes’ 1985 film “The Breakfast Club,” high school principal Richard Vernon has had enough. All the stereotypes and cliches of the high school student — the athlete (Emilio Estevez as Andrew), the basket case ... the Breakfast Club set their lunch up as a potluck. Things that make you happy ( in my case, and it ’ s funny to me that of... He allows Bender t… the Breakfast Club, five random high school outside Chicago do eat a more! Scene to address his emotion impression of being present how do they the! 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