examples of character flaws in literature

Example: Craig Gilner in It’s Kind of a Funny Story. Don't know how to write a literature essay on "Macbeth"? 19. Example: Bob Ewell in To Kill a Mockingbird. A minor flaw is something that has minimal impact on a character’s life; a major flaw affects them more significantly; and a fatal flaw causes that character’s downfall (though this is not always literal death — sometimes it’s moral death, the death of a relationship, etc.). Spacey – having one’s head in the clouds; absent-minded. A romantic might start an affair and cause complications in their relationships. 100+ Examples of Various Character Flaws To save the both of us some trouble, I’ve taken 123 character flaws from this wonderful website for writers. Example: Charlie Kelmeckis in The Perks of Being a Wallflower. 12. Blog Cruel – willfully causing pain and suffering to others. But don’t say we didn’t warn you — and consider getting a sensitivity reader if you’re working with a flaw that involves a delicate issue, like bigotry or abuse. For example, in Little Women, Amy’s vanity is a small, amusing aspect of her character, out of which she (mostly) matures; for Narcissus, on the other hand, vanity proves fatal. – Kys May 15 '17 at 18:48. Then maybe you’re not looking for a flaw, per se, but an unusual quirk or mannerism to bring your characters to life! Being abusive is a character flaw many literary villains possess. 13. Example: Tom Sawyer in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Nonetheless, “chatterbox” and “homicidal” both fall on the spectrum of character flaws! to. Logical flaws in writing are common with new writers and those who just wish to fill the sheets or screens with some words without thinking if they add any value to a reader. 18. 15. Stubborn – willful and headstrong; refusing to give up. Home All categories Order Now. Intolerant – narrow-minded and unaccepting of others, sometimes to the point of violence. 51. Character Flaws List - Dark World RPG offers a solid collection of character flaws with descriptions. Short-tempered – quick to anger. For example, a student who studies for long hours for many weeks in a row during exams. Ignorant – possessing little practical knowledge or awareness of the world. He died in a random act of violence, not because of any flaw … In classic literature, this was typically their pride. Clumsy – uncoordinated and fumbling; often accident-prone. He’s a young and foolish Hobbit, making him incompetent at many tasks. 19 examples: The belief that depression was a character flaw was greater at baseline the… Cambridge Dictionary +Plus My profile Example: Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights. Example: Alphonso in The Color Purple. Darcy's pride is made more evident and more crucial to the story than say, Lydia's naïveté, but both lead to a crisis. Spiders, frogs, worms, blood, dirt, corpses, disease. Whatever flaws you invoke in your story, don’t be afraid to dive deep to create truly distinct, memorable characters — characters that readers will remember forever, even if they’re not always well-behaved. What makes a good villain? Not only is she physically abusive to Emma, but she’s emotionally abusive as well. Our imperfections as humans are what make us unique, and the same is true of imperfections in our characters! In Greek Mythology and William Shakespeare works, this often leads to a character’s death. Not sure what sort of character you’re writing yet? Example: Miss Havisham in Great Expectations. What functions as a minor flaw for one character could be a fatal flaw for another. Cowardly – lacking the courage to stand up for what’s right. However, he also becomes an underdog you root for. ), even to their own detriment. Examples Of Character Flaws In Fiction. It stands to reason that if you want your fictional characters to be as well-rounded and relatable as actual people, you’ll need to give them a few character flaws. Awkward – socially uneasy and uncomfortable. Therefore, it’s good to give characters flaws in literature. Self-destructive – acting in such a way as to destroy one’s own health and/or happiness. what is success the crucible night christmas purpose of education discrimination satirical observation shakespeare environment personal experiences what it means to be an american translation south park depression. Example: Nurse Ratched in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. He’s so vain he can’t even begin to understand why Elizabeth would refuse him. Having a literary character with no flaw would be like having a short story, novel, movie, with not conflict. Example: Cath Avery in Fangirl. Example: Anna in Anna Karenina. 31. 49. Gullible – easily fooled or persuaded to believe something. Example: Emma Bovary in Madame Bovary. Paranoid – unusually suspicious, mistrustful, or nervous that something bad will happen to them. Explore common character flaws found among literary heroes, villains, and sidekicks. Example: Uriah Heep in David Copperfield. Of course, the degree of this effect varies hugely based on the flaw itself. Example: Anthony James Marston in And Then There Were None. 52. 32. His greed defines him in the beginning, but through his time spent with the ghosts, Scrooge is able to see the error of his ways. Example: Brutus in Julius Caesar. 50. blog. Apathetic – having little interest in or enthusiasm for life. He then becomes paranoid, which causes him to … You can think of a minor flaw as an annoying habit, like a character chewing their nails or making every conversation about themselves. memoir texting and driving summary gender equality is college worth it autobiography assisted suicide poetry analysis long eagle scout soccer social issue personal experiences national honors society sociology. 48. Vain – preoccupied with one’s physical appearance. From fear of death to a spider phobia, fear can make an interesting character flaw. This information could create conflict and might force them to act or react. Example: Tragic Flaw in Hamlet Hamlet, the titular protagonist of Shakespeare’s play, is one of the most-taught and clearest instances of a tragic flaw in classical literature. Vanity, like many other character flaws in this list, is everywhere in stories. Take a mom… Shallow – having few profound thoughts and caring only for insignificant things. Example: Daisy Buchanan in The Great Gatsby. Obnoxious – highly irritating and unpleasant. Most of these character flaws are more annoying than harmful; some are even a little endearing. Example: Gervaise Macquart in L'Assommoir. Obsessive – so consumed by a single subject that one cannot function normally. Vain characters can easily have you rolling your eyes. For example, being jealous of one’s significant other has even led some literary characters to commit murder. Top Tag’s. An example of a tragic flaw … Example: Hermes in Circe. Greedy – always desiring more (food, wealth, attention, etc. Example: Arthur Dimmesdale in The Scarlet Letter. Look no further than Macbeth to see a character with excessive pride. In Macbeth, Macbeth's tragic flaw is his own ambition. Some readers may be unable to forgive protagonists who demonstrate these flaws, even over the course of multi-book character arcs to show they’ve changed. Hedonistic – indulging completely in the pursuit of pleasure. Examples. Search Categories . Other common character trait flaws found in literature include: It’s important for a character to have some flaws. 63. Literature is filled with flawed characters. Example: Severus Snape in Harry Potter. It also leads to her death. Keep your character exploration going by looking at examples of personality traits. Not only is he fearful, but his fears and anxieties sometimes take over. Your character could have intense feelings that hinder them, keeping them from interacting with something in a normal way. 33. genre of story in which a hero is brought down by his/her own flaws Learn how to use a character questionnaire, and put your character in the hot seat with our 50 juicy character development questions. Example: Humbert Humbert in Lolita. 62. In Charlotte Bronte’s classic novel Villette, for example, the character Ginevra Fanshawe is a beautiful but vain 18-year-old who strikes up an unlikely friendship with the less pompous protagonist, Lucy. If you read such sentences, the flaws are too easily recognized and I often get surprised how writers are still making them. Those character flaws push the story forward. Example: Paul Dombey in Dombey and Son. Looking for more character-building resources? character flaws Essay Examples. Prideful – having a lofty opinion of oneself and rarely admitting to being wrong. Example: Lucy’s siblings (at first) in The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. 9. In this post, we’re going to show you how to get the reader to emotionally connect with your characters—particularly your protagonist—by comparingamateur and pro character descriptionexamples. 54. 60. Example: Jack Torrance in The Shining. Look no further than Othello’s jealousy in William Shakespeare’s Othello. Compared to the flaws we’ll talk about next, minor flaws are little more than negative traits. Envious – wanting to possess what another has (may be a physical object or a character trait). Humorless – having no sense of humor; solemn. Leave a comment. 22. "Although persistence might often be a moral virtue, in this case it proved to be a fatal flaw, because the man did not know when to just cut his losses and invest his resources in what would … In Little Women, Jo March’s bluntness and stuborness cause conflict with her family. Bitter – resentful and unpleasant because of a past experience. 53. Reedsy is more than just a blog. As a key element of tragedy since ancient times, tragic flaws make an appearance in television and film. While those might be the most common character flaw examples you come across in literature, it is far from a comprehensive list. Her lust for power causes her to create the same problems as the previous leader, President Snow. Perhaps this primer on the 12 types of characters featured in most stories can help you out! Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. However, Pooh is always there to calm him down. 42. Search Pages. Example: Amy Dunne in Gone Girl. Example: Peter Pettigrew in Harry Potter. From adultery to greed to pure stupidity, if you choose one of these flaws for your character, make sure you’ve carefully considered how it will shape their story — and indeed, whether that journey will end with them overcoming their limitations or atoning for their sins. For example, if a character cannot stand dirt, they might obsessively clean their house until they drop from exhaustion. That said, if you’re looking for a challenge (or aiming to create that once-in-a-blue moon egregious antihero who’s just sympathetic enough to work), have at it. 67. 61. He thinks he is completely invincible, but he has a weak spot-his ankle. 5. Machiavellian – cunning, manipulative, and unscrupulous in one’s schemes. A story must also have flesh. Example: Mrs. Jennings in Sense and Sensibility. Example: Kaz Brekker in Six of Crows. Character weaknesses are aspects of an individual's personality and repeated behavior that have a negative impact. Example: Scarlett O’Hara (at first) in Gone With the Wind. 8. Uncle Ben from Spiderman, for example, is not a tragic hero. Bonus!) Examples of vanity as a character flaw. 41. 70. A minor character flaw is an imperfection which serves to distinguish the character in the mind of the reader / viewer / player / listener, making them memorable and individual, but otherwise does not affect the story in any way. Top Tag’s. Lazy – unwilling to work; slothful. Sadistic – taking pleasure in inflicting pain or humiliation upon others. to. While those might be the most common character flaw examples you come across in literature, it is far from a comprehensive list. 3. In literature, a character flaw is an undesirable trait to their personality. I think sometimes we make our villians one-dimensionally evil, and forget to let them start with a smaller weakness that grows out of proportion. Explore some of the most common character flaws along with common examples of character flaws in literature. In Reason to Breathe by Rebecca Donovan, Aunt Carol is abusive to Emma. A helpful or scrupulous character may inadvertently find out information when they are lending a hand. (That second one hints at some bigger issues, too! As you’d expect, minor flaws are typically things like poor hygiene and forgetfulness. Example: Wilbur in Charlotte’s Web. 1. Learn more…, Find the perfect editor for your next book. It might involve an obsessive focus on a narrow interest, excluding … 64. Often this is accompanied by a list of personality traits and/or physical attributes, like so: These character description examples aren’t bad, but they’re not great either. In the case of the fabliau, a style of storytelling that originated in France and is seen in flashes in the works of Chaucer, characters are deliberately absurd, caricatures of realistic personality traits. You’ll be a Freytag expert in no time! Tragic flaw - Every tragic hero must have a tragic flaw or hamartia. Character flaws come in different types. Search Pages. Example: Anne Shirley in Anne of Green Gables. Fanatical – extremely zealous to the point of delusion. Childish – silly, immature, or innocent. Vengeful – seeking ramifications for others as a form of revenge. Pro tip: Choose a flaw for one of your characters, then try a few character development exercises to see how it might manifest. Example: Iago in Othello. Inconsiderate – caring little for the feelings of others. Minor Flaws. Develop your characters like a bestselling author. 43. Example: George Wickham in Pride and Prejudice. Now for the character flaws you’ll most often see in outright villains: cruelty, treachery, a total lack of remorse, and so on. Example: Peter in Peter Pan. Great post! Adulterous – cheating on one’s partner or spouse. Meek – overly gentle and submissive. Example: Patrick Bateman in American Psycho. Example: Mr. Poe in A Series of Unfortunate Events. These are all things people have trouble dealing with. 21. other traits, background, and circumstances, Character Development 101: Writing Characters Readers Won’t Forget, Character Questionnaire: 50 Juicy Questions To Ask Your Characters, How to Write Character Descriptions in 3 Simple Steps. Example: Holden Caulfield in The Catcher in the Rye. Addiction is another common plot device used to move a story forward or create conflict in the character’s life. Want to know how to write a mystery? Example: Amy March in Little Women. 47. 34. To err is human, in the words of Alexander Pope — or, in the slightly goofier words of Pam Beesly, pobody’s nerfect. Think of Jar Jar Binks in the Star Wars series; he’s definitely incompetent in many ways but adds comedic relief nonetheless. A character flaw is a negative quality in a character that affects them or others in a detrimental way. 17. … Example: Tom Ripley in The Talented Mr. Ripley. Example: Mary Lennox (at first) in The Secret Garden. Example: John Proctor in The Crucible. In Macbeth, the protagonist suffers from hubris (excessive pride ), and murders the king. Example: Eustace Scrubb in Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Greed drives a character to commit all kinds of atrocities in the world. to. 69. Disloyal – failing to remain true to the person/entity to whom one has pledged their allegiance. Example: Percy Weasley in Harry Potter. 23. With all that in mind: here are 70 fascinating character flaws to use in your story, with examples from literature to demonstrate each one. In the world of literature, one famous greedy character is Ebenezer Scrooge from A Christmas Carol. Example: Annie Wilkes in Misery. While pride could be a good thing, excessive pride proves to be fatal to their character. 55. Treacherous – deeply disloyal and traitorous, usually for personal gain. But, let's be honest: we can all improve how we present ourselves in our communications and interactions with family, friends, business associates, and others. These character flaws should be taken more seriously: they can impact a character’s life quite heavily, as well as the lives of those around them. If you’re looking for a minor flaw to round out your likable protagonist, this section is for you! Example: Gene Forrester in A Separate Peace. Between them is a vast ocean of unfortunate things a character can be: prideful, foolish, irritating, selfish, aggressive, obsessive, or simply naïve. Words. Naïve – childlike, trusting, unworldly. Examples: Hercules, Odysseus, Aragorn from Lord of the Rings, and any Tom Cruise character. 2. A famous villain with a lust for power in The Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins is Alma Coin. Nearly all of Shakespeare's tragedies center on a character with a tragic flaw. Example: Icarus in the Metamorphoses. Neglectful – failing to give proper care or attention to someone or something. Tactless – not very nuanced or sensitive in dealings with others. 10. 29. The right piece of book writing software can make all the difference. 24. Example: The narrator in Fight Club. Words. After completion, you'll also be put in front of editors at elite journals in your field. Foolish – lacking good judgment or common sense. 25. Pro tip: Choose a flaw for one of your characters, then try a few character development exercises to see how it might manifest. 18. In Oedipus Rex, Oedipus' downfall is also caused by his own pride, and by ignoring the prophecy if the gods, he inadvertently married his own mother. 27. 2. Example: Dolores Umbridge in Harry Potter. Classic literature is full of examples of characters with a tragic flaw. 2. Example: Effie Trinket in The Hunger Games. The Thor/Loki situation is an excellent example of how a single character flaw can grow and fester in a person until he not only turns on his own people, but causes his own demise. Rigid – utterly inflexible in one’s principles, even when presented with reason to change. Incompetent – unable to perform basic tasks. Looking for creative writing classes to sharpen your skills? A famous character in literature with incompetence is Peregrin (Pippin) Took in The Fellowship of the Rings. There are three types of character flaws: minor, major, and fatal. This example will help you. We break down 11 options so you can get writing today. In the play Oedipus the King, the protagonist flaw of irritability and a bad temper is portrayed, for example, in such episode: he heard a prophesy from the Delphi Oracle, left Corinth as fast as possible and on nearing Thebes a caravan cut him off, infuriated him and … Pride and Prejudice is a good example of different example of the varying importance of character flaws. 68. Not to mention that there are so many complex and fascinating character flaws to choose from, you might even find yourself excited to “mess up” your characters! However, note that the outcome of a flaw depends entirely on the character’s handling of it! Manipulative – conniving and controlling others to get what one wants. Screenwriters often treat introversion as if it were always a character flaw. Arrogant – haughty, conceited, exaggeratedly self-important. Anxious – experiencing frequent nerves or apprehension. Example: Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice. Example: Ebenezer Scrooge in A Christmas Carol. The hero Achilles' tragic flaw is his pride. Example: Hannibal Lecter in Silence of the Lambs. With perhaps a few exceptions, everyone has such weaknesses. Boring – dull, tedious, uninteresting (not to be confused with a flat character, who’s not even developed enough to be boring). Spiteful – bitter and malicious. Example: Lily Bart in The House of Mirth. Mischievous – playfully troublesome; rascally or roguish. Perhaps they even clean other people’s houses without permission, making them seem r… > Perfecting your Craft So while we’ve attempted to divide up the following list by degrees of severity, remember that a seemingly innocuous flaw can turn fatal if not kept in check, and that even the grimmest of flaws may still be managed. 1. 56. In this character flaws list, here are some examples of good character flaws to consider: Pokes fun of everybody, but is an equal opportunity offender Tells entertaining but largely invented stories about her past Maxes out credit cards buying dinner and drinks for friends Malory, however, designed characters with obvious, as well as realistic, flaws. With all that in mind: here are 70 fascinating character flaws to use in your story, with examples from literature to demonstrate each one. We’ve got you covered with this list of 150+ useful character quirks and this BONUS list of 150+ powerful mannerisms to help define your characters. 36. And while she should join the Abnegation faction like the rest of her family, she rebels to join Dauntless instead. An unreliable character might lose a job and the course of the story will change. Check out these posts: Among these 35 popular book genres, there's bound to be one that fits your book like a glove — so let's find it! Without those flaws to make heroes and villains likable or relatable, you wouldn’t read a story. Using tragic flaws in different media has similar effects to its use in literature—story development, character depth, and relatability. Do even these “mild” character flaws seem too extreme to you? This is true of the character Daddy in Salvage the Bones by Jesmyn Ward. While sometimes, the book is about the main character overcoming addiction, other stories have a character with both addictive and abusive tendencies. 2 @Hejazzman These structures are the bones of story. "His friends all told him that he shared Hamlet's fatal flaw: although he was brilliant, he thought too much and acted too little; and as a result, all of the best opportunities of life tended to pass him by, as he just stood aside as if paralyzed." This archetype usually follows a young or naive character who sees the world through rose-tinted glasses — until reality comes knocking. 65. Violent – viciously, physically harmful to others. Example: Dorian Gray in The Picture of Dorian Gray. 4. Example: Bella Swan in Twilight. All Rights Reserved, Examples of Common Character Flaws in Literature. – Posted on Nov 20, 2020. Example: Luna Lovegood in Harry Potter. 45. Over 500,000 authors trust the professionals on Reedsy, come meet them. Hypocritical – acting in opposition to one’s beliefs or proclamations about others, typically because one believes they are “above” them. Besides describing characters physically, you need to convey their motivations, goals, personalities and flaws to make characters truly three-dimensional.Here are 5 characterization examples that show how to reveal your characters’ vital qualities: The Four Character Flaws. Example: Javert in Les Misérables. 28. 14. 59. Examples of character flaw in a sentence, how to use it. Example: Mary Bennet in Pride and Prejudice. Example: Curley in Of Mice and Men. He plots with his wife to murder the … 7. Major flaws tend to be more like hypocrisy and envy, and a fatal flaw would be something like the propensity to self-sabotage, or extreme hubris. All humans are flawed in one way or another, and it is often easy to recognize character flaws in others. Lastly, think about the reason for the character’s downfall. Nobody is perfect, but it’s actually your flaws that mold you. Stingy – mean and ungenerous. analysis of flaws of character Essay Examples. 35. Search Categories . Morally gray – neither good nor evil in a conventional sense; characterized by moral ambiguity. While it might be hard to bestow your precious characters with such defects, you’ll find they ultimately enrich your story: giving your characters deeper motivations, strengthening their interactions, and adding nuance to how they deal with the central conflict(s) in your plot. Other Common Character Flaw Examples. Bigoted – harboring fierce, immovable prejudices about a certain group. You'll gain practical experience with this free, on-demand course by writing real reviews with one-to-one support for your mentor. Belligerent – hostile and aggressive, even when unprovoked. 6. However, there is nothing wrong with needing alone time to recharge your batteries. 58. 2. Dishonest – lying or behaving in a deceitful manner, usually to take advantage of others. Lustful – overwhelmed with sexual desire. Although a quick reading of the play might suggest that Hamlet's madness – feigned or real – is to blame for his downfall, his true tragic flaw is being overly hesitant . Murderous – desiring to kill; homicidal. 46. While incompetence can be a fatal character flaw, it can add humor to a work. For example, extreme introversion might lead to poor social skills for lack of practice. Examples of Tragic Flaws from Famous Literature. 39. This is especially true when it comes to overcoming it. Other common character trait flaws found in literature include: arrogance - haughty self-importance; aversion - avoidance of certain fears like spiders or snakes Abusive – engaging in habitual and extreme cruelty or violence. If you want to use introversion as a character flaw, it has to harm a character’s wellbeing. to. With their puffed-up chests, they don’t see exactly how weak they might be. Jealousy can often make you do stupid things. 1. Hubristic – excessively self-confident in one’s ideas or abilities. We gather our favorites in this detailed guide, so you can start learning today. Weak-willed – timid and spineless. You’ll notice characters in books are full of flaws, even the seemingly flawless ones. Without this rebellious streak, the story wouldn’t exist. Spoiled – bratty and self-centered as a result of overindulgence. Writers should stretch, mold and twist these flaws. Example: Edward Cullen in Twilight. Absent-minded – Preoccupied to the extent of being unaware of one’s immediate surroundings. Judgmental – critical and disapproving, often in an outspoken way. Gossipy – inclined to spread rumors or talk about others behind their backs. Others do have the potential to harm, but rarely evolve to that extent. List of character flaws The almost-good ‍♀️ 44. Pride is a big one when it comes to character flaws. Therefore, they can not only stand out, but grow and change throughout a story. Possessive – overprotective and controlling. Example: Bertie Wooster in Jeeves and Wooster. For example, Divergent’s Tris knows she’s different. Discipline Character building implies some degree of discipline whereby an individual makes sacrifices and faces hardship to solve a problem or achieve a goal. August 26, 2020 by Essay Writer. Example: Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter. Oppressive – brutally authoritarian toward a group of people considered “lesser.” Example: The Commanders of Gilead in The Handmaid’s Tale. 20. 16. Example: Mr. Brocklehurst in Jane Eyre. Capricious – given to flights of fancy and impulsive behaviors. But before we get to our extensive list of character flaws, let’s go over what a character flaw is and the different types you’ll see in stories. Each of these has certain expected consequences — but the beauty of flaws is that each will still present differently in different characters, depending on that character’s other traits, background, and circumstances. He only cares about what others think of him and talks about it incessantly. Classic Examples of Logical Flaws in Writing. Selfish – being solely concerned with one’s own needs and desires. Example: Augustus Gloop in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Example: Captain Ahab in Moby-Dick. Remorseless – feeling no shame, regret, or sympathy when they’ve done something wrong. 11. 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